Fact check: Biden battles the truth again, this time claiming he taught political theory at a university

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WASHINGTON, DC - Let’s face it…Joe Biden lies so effortlessly he almost gets away with it.

He has lied about how his son Beau died (he did not die in Iraq and arrived home in a flag-draped casket).

A drunk driver did not kill his first wife and their daughter.

He was not arrested in South Africa while trying to see Nelson Mandela.

He was not a civil rights marcher.

Nor did he go to Ground Zero in New York City the day after the September 11 terror attacks.

He once claimed he drove tractor trailers…again, that never happened.

Then there is his latest lie of the week, that he taught political theory at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. Fortunately, the internet is forever.

It would be easy to chalk up Biden’s disassociation with the truth as merely a symptom of his noticeable cognitive decline, dementia bordering on Alzheimer’s. Biden is a poster child for dementia, experiencing many signs—disorientation, disorganization, language impairment, mood change, personality change, and memory loss.

The first symptom…disorientation…is obvious anytime Biden speaks before a group. In most cases, once he finishes his remarks, Biden has no clue where he is supposed to go. Many times, he wanders off until someone redirects him. Disorganization usually shows itself at the same time.

Language impairment is also obvious whenever Biden speaks. He trips over words and is in a continuous battle with the teleprompter. Sycophants try to pass his misspoken words as a “stutter” he’s had since childhood, but anyone paying attention knows it is not a stutter. He cannot put together a cogent sentence.

Mood changes and personality changes are also apparent whenever he speaks. He will go from a creepy whisper to yelling in a raging frenzy, sometimes in the same sentence.

Then there is the memory loss, which are only lies. This symptom didn’t show itself suddenly over the past several years. Joe Biden has always had a problem telling the truth. He once famously got into a verbal altercation with a constituent, claiming he had graduated at the top half of his class in law school. He finished 76th out of 85, according to Mother Jones.

He also said that he received three degrees at the University of Delaware. Years later, he tried to walk back those claims, saying he “graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science.” A far cry from “three degrees.” All of this, he claimed, was with a “full academic scholarship.”

Biden has also plagiarized speeches, including one by the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He made up a story about his father telling him in the early 1960s (when he saw two men kissing), “Love is love, Joey.”

The easiest way to know that Biden is lying (besides his lips moving) is when he utters one of his “tells.” They include, but are not limited to, “not a joke,” “seriously,” and “I’m not kidding."

His latest whopper came this week while speaking at Prince George's Community College in Maryland. Biden told the audience that he taught “political theory” at the University of Pennsylvania for four years, the Daily Mail reported.

The problem is that Biden served only as a visiting fellow and honorary professor at UPenn and never taught a class. Not one.

Biden was touting his failed economic policies, dubbed “Bidenomics,” when, as is typical, he went off the rails. Biden was talking about Democracy being “under attack” (wonder who is responsible for that?) when he started to wax poetic about his time at UPenn.

“We got to fight for it,” Biden said. “I taught at the University of Pennsylvania for four years, and I used to teach political theory. And folks, you always hear, every generation has to fight for democracy.” That was rich coming from the man who is having his political opponents arrested and, in some cases, jailed.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Biden visited the University of Pennsylvania approximately twelve times between his time as vice president and when he decided to run for president. None of those visits involved teaching classes and were restricted to question-and-answer periods and public events.

He received $900,000 for such an event with UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. He did lecture one time at the Wharton School of Economics.

One thing Biden did involve the university in was to oversee the opening of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy in Washington, DC, a “think tank” where Biden was found to have stored classified documents.

The latest battle with the truth occurred less than one week after he claimed in Japan that his son Beau, who died of cancer, was killed while serving in Iraq. That was the latest in many times when Biden has used stolen valor to speak of his son.

In October 2022, Biden claimed he died in Iraq during remarks at Camp Hale in Colorado.

“Just imagine—I mean it sincerely—I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq. Imagine the courage, the daring, and the genuine sacrifice—genuine sacrifice they all made,” he said.

Just one month later, Biden again attributed Beau’s death to service in Iraq. “Inflation is a worldwide problem right now,” Biden said. “There’s a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing. Excuse me, the war in Ukraine. I’m thinking Iraq because that’s where my son died—because he died,” Biden explained.

Biden’s cognitive decline has translated to polls, with a Wall Street Journal poll taken last month showing only 36 percent of voters surveyed think Biden is mentally fit for office.

Meanwhile, 46 percent believe former President Donald Trump is mentally suitable for office. Nearly 75 percent of voters feel Biden is too old to be president, while only 47 percent feel the same about Trump.
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