'Still running the country': Malik Obama makes big claim about brother Barack's role in Biden administration

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WASHINGTON, DC - Former President Barack Obama is far from gone from the political scene- according to one of the 44th president's closest relatives.

Malik Obama, the former president's brother, speculated that the younger Obama is still calling the shots within the Democratic Party, speaking in a Tuesday interview with the New York Post.

The Kenyan-born Obama cited his younger brother's hand in President Joe Biden's shock exit from the presidential race in July, stating his belief that the president Biden served under played a role in the de facto ouster of Biden as the Democratic Party's nominees.

“Definitely he had something to do with it."

Malik Obama even went so far as to state that Obama was the decisive hand in national politics itself, acting through his control of the Biden-Harris administration.

"He’s still running the Democratic Party, and he’s still running the country behind closed doors."

The older Obama even suggested that his brother was acting in partnership with Vice President Kamala Harris- who he ushered into the central stage as a replacement for his own former vice president.

“I’m sure that they are talking almost every day.”

“She needs to be scrutinized more. I think that the press and the media is very kind to her, and they’re trying to push her presidential campaign and so that she can become president."

"But I think she’s a joke. She’s got no substance.”

Malik Obama initially supported the political program of his younger brother, despite growing up in Africa as Barack was raised by Stanley Ann Durham in the United States and Indonesia. However, the older Obama brother became increasingly critical of Obama's style of governance during his administration- going so far as to openly endorse former President Donald Trump in 2016.

“He’s just becoming rich, that’s all. But he’s not down on the ground. And he’s extremely arrogant,” Malik said of his brother.

"He’s not like the person he used to be. Even here in Kenya, we don’t feel him. He’s fake as a snake.”

Malik Obama cited the Democratic Party's support for unlimited illegal immigration in his interview, pointing to his own experiences as a legal immigrant and dual citizen of Kenya and the United States.

“I’m here legally, I had to go through the process, and, you know, file the papers. I had to wait. My children are also there. We filed the papers."

The younger Obama has remained silent on his older brother's criticisms since the latter went public with his disagreements with the Democrat.

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Puppets don't need any substance, so it doesn't matter who the globalists chose as a puppet. They won't be running the country.

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