Rep. Massie: FBI no longer has DNC video footage of man planting pipe bomb outside DNC headquarters on Jan. 5, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC - Earlier this week, LET reported on the strange confluence of events that led to video footage of the person placing the bomb outside the DNC on January 5, 2021 was apparently manipulated to make it appear choppy when released to the public by the FBI.

Now, according to Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), a report from the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General (DHS-IG), the FBI advised them on March 18, 2022, that they were no longer in possession of ANY of the DNC surveillance footage from January 6, Revolver News reports. 

In case you missed it, an anonymous but “highly trusted source” that a “government employee” investigating portions of the January 6 pipe bomb case went to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to view footage from the evening of January 5, when an unknown person planted a pipe bomb outside the DNC headquarters. The employee said they “definitively and clearly” saw someone planting the bomb. Moreover, the video was clear with no “degraded quality,” which the version presented to the public by the FBI did have. 

That raised several questions, including why the video quality degraded to the point that the frame rate was only one per second, while low-budget video cameras have a much higher frame rate and, therefore, better picture quality.  

Did the FBI tamper with the footage before releasing it to the public? 

One thing we do know based on the IG’s letter is that the FBI is no longer in possession of any video footage obtained from DNC cameras, which raises an important question…why? Is this an attempt to cover up what happened on January 6 at the DNC headquarters? If so, why? 

That answers an important question we asked in our earlier piece: Why did the government official have to go to DNC headquarters to view the video footage? Thanks to Rep. Massie and the DHS-IG, we now know the answer. 

In the letter sent by Joseph V. Cuffari, Ph.D., DHS Inspector General, he answered two questions from Massie:

  1. In relation to this report, did your team request from the FBI to review the video footage related to the pipe bomb discovered outside the DNC? When was the request made? 

On March 7, 2022, we sent a memorandum to the Director of the FBI with the subject heading: “Request to View January 6, 2021, Democratic National Committee Headquarters Security Footage.” 

  1. What response did you receive? 

On March 18, 2022, the FBI informed DHS OIG that it did not have any video footage from January 6, 2021. 

The FBI claimed that the pipe bomb planting was of “utmost importance” as part of the January 6 US Capitol siege. The FBI poured tens of thousands of man-hours into pursuing anyone who was within a ½ mile of the US Capitol on that date, yet for some reason, the agency saw fit to delete footage from the planting of a pipe bomb that was ostensibly targeting Vice President-elect Kamala Harris? It belies common sense and logic. 

In March 2021 and September 2021, the FBI released surveillance footage from January 5, when the suspect allegedly planted the pipe bomb, however, it was the footage that appeared to have been doctored, making identification of the suspect difficult, if not impossible. 

There are a number of other questions surrounding the pipe bomb. Kamala Harris was at the DNC and, according to CNN, drove within several yards of the pipe bomb and was inside DNC headquarters for nearly two hours before the bomb was discovered, multiple law enforcement sources told the outlet. 

For unknown reasons, Harris’s presence at the DNC wasn’t revealed until the end of January 2021. Sources told CNN that the Secret Service “swept the interior of the building, the driveway, parking deck, and entrances and exits prior to her arrival."

The apparent cover-up of the placing of the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC on January 6, 2021, only gives credence to “conspiracy theorists” who suspect there was more going on with the incident than the public is being told. 

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