Anti-Israel protester facing 18 felony counts for threatening city council members, mayor - cries like a baby at the arraignment

BAKERSFIELD, CA - On Friday, April 12th, an anti-Israel protester sobbed in front of a judge during her arraignment in a California courtroom after she allegedly threatened to murder public officials at a city council meeting in Bakersfield. 

The woman, identified as 28-year-old Riddhi Patel, cried as she pleaded not guilty to 18 felony counts for alleged comments directed to Bakersfield city council members and Republican Mayor Karen Goh for not backing a Gaza cease-fire resolution against Israel and for installing metal detectors at city hall. She has eight counts of threatening a public official and 10 counts of making terroristic threats. 

According to KGET, at her arraignment, she was ordered held on a $1 million bond and to stay at least 500 yards away from city hall. Court Commissioner Sally Ackernecht told Patel that she must also stay away from the homes and businesses of those who whom her remarks were intended for during the meeting.

Patel was reportedly seen on video during the public comment section of a city council meeting that was held on Wednesday, April 10th, claiming that she hoped oppressed minorities would "guillotine" city government members, declaring that even Jesus Christ would kill them, and threatening to go to their houses and murder them. The video, that has been widely dispersed on social media show Patel saying, "We'll see you at your house, we'll murder you."

Patel accused the city council members of not caring about the oppression of Palestinians or people anywhere else in the world and later expressed hope that the "global south" will rise up and execute them. She said, "I remind you that these holidays that we practice, that other people in the global south practice, believe in violent revolution against their oppressors, and I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you mother (expletive)."

Later in the meeting, she blasted the mayor and city council for installing metal detectors in the building, calling it an "attempt to criminalize protesters." After unleashing her many threatening comments, the mayor called on police present at the meeting to escort Patel out of the building. According to the Los Angeles Times,  Patel grew up in Bakersfield and works as the economic development coordinator for a local nonprofit. 

Several other protesters, who have called on the city council to pass a resolution condemning Israel's actions in the way against Hamas, have been arrested at past meetings for refusing to leave once the chambers were ordered cleared. Of those, two face felony counts, one for allegedly breaking a glass door at city hall causing an estimated $2,000 in damage.

The mayor declined to comment, telling a local television station that "since the incident is under investigation, it's not appropriate for me to offer comments." However, Vice Mayor Andrae Gonzales told KGET-TV Channel 17 that the exchange between Patel and the city council members was "deeply concerning" and "completely inappropriate." He added, "The city can't function during a public council meeting if we're being continuously disrupted."

The United Liberation Front, the local group calling for a cease-fire, publicly condemned Patel's comments, saying, "It does not represent those of us in the community who continue to show up and exercise our civic duty."
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I'm shocked that the CA judge actually did anything on this case. Maybe there's hope yet. These Jihad Jenny's & Johnny's want all of us to hate Israel as much as they do. No one said they were the sharpest knife in the drawer.


It is in Bakersfield CA. in Kern County. We tend to lean to the right.


What ? Mexifornia Judges don't like threats? Oh, never mind it must have been a personal thing. Hed she threatened anyone else she would still be free.


What ? Mexifornia Judges don't like threats? Oh, never mind it must have been a personal thing. Hed she threatened anyone else she would still be free.


What ? Mexifornia Judges don't like threats? Oh, never mind it must have been a personal thing. Hed she threatened anyone else she would still be free.


Nice to see her arrested and held. It's a start. Only...she won't actually be prosecuted, and is she is, she'll receive a soft plea deal or simply not convicted. I's California so...


"if" she is...


"if" she is...


Nice to see her arrested and held. It's a start. Only...she won't actually be prosecuted, and is she is, she'll receive a soft plea deal or simply not convicted. I's California so...


What's with the double posts? I mean...I only hit the submit button once. C'mon LET. You're better than this.


Its funny how they come to the United States and then have the nerve to demand we bow down to them and take their crap. This country has lost it's guts. Stand up to these different groups. They think they are entitled. Why did you leave your country? I'll tell you, protest like this in Palestine and make threats to your government you would have been beheaded or thrown in jail forever. She deserves to be in jail for a minimum for 15 years. The crying in court is an act.


Do these people read anything but comics. I don’t care if your democrat or republican, the children are being killed by Hamas who are the ruling organization of the Palestinian people. Israel tries to save as many as they can.


People that protest Israel do not know the history of Israel and the so-called Palestinians.




Amen..Send them.ALL Back




Freedom of speech still exists BUT threatening harm and death is a threat to an individual or group and is not acceptable or does it come under the right of free speech. Look up the guidelines for free speech what is acceptable and what is not. Terrorism which is what a threat it is a form of terrorism.


awwwww baby cries? Tough chit girlie, you played the game and lost, you are getting exactly what you earned. o Missy what other BS do you have up your sleeve to run your mouth about with radical BS? Wanna earn more time??


Fat,ugly and stupid.


Fat, dumb and Democrat is no way to go through life.


Fat, dumb and Democrat is no way to go through life.


I hope she opens her big mouth again in front of a judge. I once saw a man turn 6 months into 18 months cause he couldn't shut his pie hole.


Boo-hoo! She deserves it!

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