Big Blue Line

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“Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the children of God.” 

You’re obviously familiar with the term “the thin blue line”. 

In case you aren’t, it’s a term that typically refers to the idea of the police as the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos.

The "blue" in "thin blue line" refers to the color of the uniforms of many police departments.

For years, we’ve watched that “thin blue line” seem to get thinner and thinner.

The war on cops.  The riots.  The defunding of police.

Politicians weaponizing law enforcement.  Officers being forced to choose between the Constitution and the enforcement of unconstitutional mandates.

Today, as the owner of the largest police news outlet in America, I’m going to make a pretty bold statement.

As of this morning, the thin blue line is gone.

Now before you stop reading – let me explain to you WHY it’s gone.

It’s not because of virtue signaling cries of discrimination or any other BS.

It’s because it’s been replaced… by the BIG BLUE LINE.


Today, I’m humbled to announce a series of acquisitions that have created the largest voice the police community – and its supporters - has ever had.

On July 4th, we acquired Law Enforcement Today.

On October 3, we acquired the YouTube channel Mike the Cop from our good friend and brother in Christ Michael Edwards (aka Mike the Cop).  We’re talking about 547,000 YouTube subscribers.

And today… we have officially closed on the acquisition of Blue Lives Matter and The Police Tribune.

That means we are now the largest police news outlet in the world, and one of the largest in the 2A and conservative space.

Here are the numbers:

Facebook: Approximately 3.2 million followers
Instagram: Approximately 165,000 followers
YouTube: Approximately 567,000 subscribers
LinkedIn: Approximately 500,000 followers 
Twitter: Approximately 140,000 followers
TikTok: Approximately 168,000 subscribers
Email database: Approximately 1,000,000 subscribers and rapidly growing.


It’s simple.  We are combining all of these audiences to bring law enforcement across America the show of support that they desperately need – and deserve.

We’ve got HUGE plans for resurrecting law and order in America.

Let me give you some of the highlights:
  • We will soon be offering public ownership in Law Enforcement Today, giving YOU a direct voice in the reporting we do.

  • We will be deploying teams of cinematographers across the country, capturing the stories of everything from agencies to epidemics such as the opioid crisis… revealing what’s REALLY happening on the border… sharing the stories of wounded officers and survivors of officers killed in the line of duty… and much more.

  • We will be putting a heavy emphasis on what’s REALLY behind the body cam and dash cam footage that the media likes to manipulate… and we’ll be highlighting the stories of amazing officers across the country that get ignored by the press.

  • We’ve already appointed a new CEO – God.  That means you can expect to see stories of faith, hope, love and how God works to keep Americans safe.

  • We won’t shy away from reporting the tough stories – like the rare occasion when there’s a bad apple.  But stories will be told with balance.  For example, we’re partnering up with a long-time officer to bring First Amendment training to cops…and another officer who teaches Fair and Impartial Policing across the country.

  • We’re partnering with organizations such as One Community to bring cops and inner city youth together.

  • We’re launching a home on Law Enforcement Today for parents who are sick and tired of the radical agenda in schools and society to normalize pedophilia by sexualizing children – and we’re about to give those who believe in fighting for the most innocent among us a very big boost.

  • We’re expanding a series in partnership with Trudy Jacobson called Great American Women, featuring female first responders.

  • We’ve signed a partnership with Real American Stories to launch Season Three of Real Man TV – featuring officers and veterans doing “real man things” across the country.  It will be on national television starting in 2024.

  • We’re doubling down on our support for the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund.

  • Agencies and officers will soon have support on everything from staffing to equipping their officers.

Friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Our Board of Advisors is made up of the heads of some of the largest police organizations in the world – and we’re going to be working with them to identify the needs of police…and the community…across the country.

Our mission statement is simple: 

Law Enforcement Today seeks to serve and honor God by defending the Biblical and Constitutional principals of law and order, protecting the peacekeepers, and fighting to protect children, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by speaking righteousness and truth.

We work to humanize the men and women behind the badge.  To honor those who serve.  To protect the warriors.  To remember the fallen.  To support the families.  And to return America to a country that truly fights for justice for all.

If you want to stay in the loop – sign up for our email newsletter here.

And if you want to help support the cause – consider joining our monthly video streaming platform at  All proceeds go to help the initiatives above.

But most importantly… I personally have two “asks”. 

The first…pray.  Pray for the safety of those who serve and protect.  For their families.  For their agencies.  And for our team, we ask you to pray for focus and discernment.

The second: share our stories.  Big tech is doing everything in their power to throttle stories that are about law and order and good cops.  The way we overcome that is by all of you sharing them.

Buckle up.  The thin blue line is gone – but with your support, The Big Blue Line is now here to fight evil in America.


Kyle S. Reyes

Owner, Law Enforcement Today
CEO, The Silent Partner Marketing
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