NYPD data shows 100% increase in arrests at homeless shelters housing illegal immigrants in NYC

NEW YORK CITY, NY - With illegal immigrants continuing to the flood the streets of New York City, data shows that arrests have skyrocketed during 2024 at homeless and migrant shelters across the Big Apple.

According to the New York Post,  so far in 2024 there has been a 100 percent surge in those arrests. New York City Police Department (NYPD) data shows that between January 1st and March 31st, officers made 836 arrests at shelters citywide — the most for any quarter since 2018. 

Those arrests include 272 felony arrests and 573 for misdemeanors. In the same period in 2023, there were just 418 arrests at the shelters, comprising of 160 felonies and 258 misdemeanors. 

The data also shows that the 25th Precinct, which covers East Harlem as well as Randall's Island — home to the city's 3,000-bed tented shelter that houses illegal immigrants — saw a 295 percent increase in arrests with 83 during this period, compared to only 21 during the same time in 2023.

In the 73rd Precinct, which covers Bronsville, arrests jumped from 29 in 2023 to 60 during the same timeframe. Residents near the Randall's Island shelter said that it has been a hotspot for brutal random violence. Financier, John, 67, who walks to the island every morning from his home on the Upper East Side said, "It's a total (expletive) show over there and the city doesn't have a plan."

John said that a few months back, an illegal immigrant riding on an e-bike sucker punched him in the back of his head as he crossed the footbridge onto the crime-ridden island. John said that just the other day, a friend and his wife were walking in front of the shelter when an illegal immigrant on a bike slapped the woman out of the blue. 

He added, "There's a lot of crime that happens. A cop here told me once that they had sexual assaults and all this (expletive) that doesn't even get reported." In January, an illegal immigrant was stabbed to death at the shelter in a dispute over a woman. In February, a fight broke out between the illegal immigrants and police. Days later, two illegal immigrants were arrested for assaulting a security guard just days later.

Police data shows that in the 25th Precinct major crimes are also up nearly 14 percent so far in 2024. Murders have jumped 50 percent, from 4 to 6; felony assaults have increased roughly 25 percent, from 204 to 254; and grand larceny is up almost 15 percent, from 235 to 270.

East Harlem resident Malcom Warner, 28, said that the chaos is spilling out into neighborhood's streets from over the bridge. He said, "It's gotten to the point that the old people can't sit outside and enjoy themselves. They're worried about being attacked." The Long Island City has 23 migrant shelters.

According to the Post, the 108th and 114th Precincts saw shelter arrests increase 100 percent, from 9 to 18; and 64 percent, from 11 to 18, respectively, during the first quarter in 2024. Close to 207,000 illegal immigrants have been in the city's care since spring 2022, costing taxpayers $4.88 billion as of May. 

An average of 65,000 illegal immigrants have been in the city's care in recent months, bringing the overall homeless shelter population to 119,300 as of March 31st, compared to 82,200 people in total the year prior. Councilman Bob Holden (D-Queens) said, "Crime at shelters is skyrocketing due to disastrous policies that flood our streets with criminals, the warehouse-style shelter system, and the constant flow of violent migrant gang members crossing our border."

He added, "This lunacy is transforming neighborhoods into crime-ridden zones, and New Yorkers are paying the price with their safety and taxpayer dollars."
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Start Deporting the ones arrested and send the bill to the Biden administration and the Democrats who chose to break the law, and not enforce current border laws by opening the borders. Let them pay the bill! They wanted alien voters to vote for them at the Nations (America) pearl and safety etc. so let them pay the bill! We should not have to be forced to pay for it. Then arrest and indict them for breaking the law along with their conspirators who chose to put our nation at risk!

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