Bombshell: Biden administration admits to secretly flying hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the US

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is refusing to disclose information surrounding the CBP One app and how it allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to enter the United States nearly undetected.

The Biden administration has admitted to arranging secret flights to transport migrants into the United States.

The Daily Mail reported that lawyers for immigration agencies are claiming that national security vulnerabilities could be created by revealing the destinations of the flights that carried the migrants.

Launched in 2020 and officially kicked off in 2023, the CBP One TM app has been a topic of concern around border security. The mobile application helps facilitate not only entry into the United States, but also movement about the US via aircraft.

A recent update posted to the CBP website says in part, “Use of the CBP One TM app to schedule appointments at land ports of entry has increased CBP’s capacity to process migrants more efficiently and orderly while cutting out unscrupulous smugglers who endanger and profit from vulnerable migrants.”

The update comes as a surprise as details of a recent FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) lawsuit includes details that the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) found that the most recent secretive flights were approved by Biden’s CBP.

Nearly 320,000 illegal migrants flew into at least 43 US airports throughout 2023 on these flights.

Once in the United States, migrants that cannot legally enter the US apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from the airports using the CBP One TM app. Upon release migrants are allowed to remain in the US for two years without having to obtain legal status. During this time, they are eligible for work authorization.

Additionally, Biden’s expansion to the app allows for migrants to utilize the app to apply for asylum from their home countries.

Information in the new lawsuit indicates that the locations that these migrants were flown into were not disclosed “due to fear that ‘bad actors’ would cause harm on public safety, or the information would create law enforcement vulnerabilities.”

CBP lawyers also said that disclosing the airports would “reveal information about the relative number of individuals arriving, and thus resources expended at particular airports,” adding that it would “thereby undermine CBP’s law enforcement efforts to secure the United States borders.”

Republicans and citizens across the country continue to insist that the southern border is not secure. And the lack of details being made available amidst this new lawsuit furthers concerns. In addition to not knowing where these migrants are landing in our country, it is also unclear where the migrants are coming from.

The CBP website states that citizens from the following countries are eligible for the CBP One applications: Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

The CIS calls the secretive flights “legally dubious” and adds that CBP’s lack of willingness to disclose location information for fear of “grave” consequences, shows that this is not a program that should continue.
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And when they arrived, they were given cell phones and put in nice hotels too. I'm a white Christian conservative male, can I go to Mexico as an asylum seeker to escape government persecution and violence here?.


Wake up people. They are everywhere. They can't speak a stitch of English but no exactly where to go to get all the free stuff.


What we need to do is file complaints demanding arrests be made on Biden and all the other scumbag politicians who endangered our citizens by doing this. Make the FBI go after the real criminals here, the politicians who broke the law bringing them over, and with intent. What more do they need? Oh that's right. They not bad orange man.


What we need to do is file complaints demanding arrests be made on Biden and all the other scumbag politicians who endangered our citizens by doing this. Make the FBI go after the real criminals here, the politicians who broke the law bringing them over, and with intent. What more do they need? Oh that's right. They not bad orange man.


What we need to do is file complaints demanding arrests be made on Biden and all the other scumbag politicians who endangered our citizens by doing this. Make the FBI go after the real criminals here, the politicians who broke the law bringing them over, and with intent. What more do they need? Oh that's right. They not bad orange man.

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