Breitbart says they were told by “multiple sources familiar” with Willis’ office that the Biden administration planted a Democrat operative inside the office. If this is true, it is strong evidence that the Biden administration has attempted to interfere with the November election.
The sources, granted anonymity for fear of retribution, told Breitbart they have “direct knowledge” of the goings on in the Fulton County DA’s office, calling the atmosphere “corrupt.”
While much recent attention has been focused on the sordid love affair between Willis and Nathan Wade, the lead “investigator” looking into alleged Trump interference in the 2020 election, one office staffer has been widely ignored…until now. That man is Deputy District Attorney Jeff DiSantis.
According to sources, DiSantis was an integral part of Willis’s 2020 district attorney campaign and the former executive director of the Democrat Party of Georgia. In that position, DiSantis had “extensive knowledge of campaign finance law,” Breitbart said. Moreover, DiSantis also served as Deputy Director of Compliance for the Democratic National Committee, according to his official bio:
Jeff has also worked for candidates in 30 states running for a variety of offices, including President of the United States, United States Senator, Governor, United States Representative, District Attorney, and Mayor, as well as for a national political party committee. He has served as a campaign manager, media consultant, pollster, press spokesman, research director, and policy advisor.
The confidential sources told Breitbart that DiSantis actively colluded with the White House to target the Republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump.
“DiSantis did this,” one source told Breitbart about the effort to target Trump. “He’s the one. He is the one pulling all the strings. He was the one that walled her [Willis] off. He was in every important meeting. He is the brainchild behind this. That is the connection to the White House.”
Other sources told Breitbart that due to his “deep history and connections” to Georgia Democrats, they are “one hundred percent” sure that DiSantis is the insider placed in Willis’s office by officials in the Biden administration. “DiSantis is the one pulling the strings on this whole thing,” the second source told Breitbart. “Everybody heard Fani testify. It’s no secret that she’s not smart. That is how she sounds and acts every day of the week.”
Indeed, during court testimony, Williis came off not as an educated attorney but more like a street thug, condescending and smug.
Another source told Breitbart, "Anyone with common sense knows that the White House has been involved in this prosecution.”
“This shouldn’t just miraculously happen. Of course, she’s [Willis] not going to prosecute the former president [of the] United States without the current administration’s approval.”
A New York Post article from January said court documents confirmed that Wade traveled to the White House for two eight-hour meetings with officials there. The documents revealed Wade billed the Fulton County DA’s office $4,000 for those meetings. That information was first reported by the Daily Mail. That revelation would also indicate collusion between the White House and Willis’s office.
Sources believe DiSantis was key in selecting grand jurors for the Trump case due to his familiarity with voter registration data.
“Part of why you’re raising money as a candidate is to get money to buy data about who are your voters. DiSantis, as the former head of the state Democratic Party, he’s going to know, you know, [the data] in Georgia,” one source said. There’s not one conservative person on that grand jury.”
The confidential sources also revealed that DiSantis was a member of Willis’s transition team after she was elected in November 2020. He was instrumental in selecting employees for the new DA’s office. “DiSantis was there in the capacity to be a political strategist, hiding in the DA’s office,” the source told Breitbart.
Breitbart also exclusively reported this week:
“Wade is a prosecutor on the Trump case, and he selected the office employees,” a source told Breitbart. Wade “made the decisions to hire or fire employees in the DA’s office, multiple sources family with the sordid relationship between Wade and Willis told the outlet.
The disclosure gives rise to numerous "ethical and conflict of interest issues," as pointed out by Breitbart. It also casts doubt on the credibility of Willis and Wade, who have been revealed as untruthful, raising questions about the accuracy of the alleged timeline of their affair.
Several of the sources spoke of one-on-one interviews behind closed doors with the two lovers, claiming Wade was “too invested to be just a friend of Willis. They said it was “obvious” in 2020 that the two were involved in an affair, a full year before Willis began her partisan investigation of Trump. They also said DiSantis had to know about the affair.
Breitbart contacted the Fulton County DA’s office for comment about DiSantis’s role in the office and possible involvement between that office and the White House. No reply was received.
The explosive revelations about the Willis and Wade affair came to light in January when attorneys for Trump and co-defendant Mike Roman accused Willis and Wade of engaging in an improper romantic relationship. Both Willis and Wade were subpoenaed to testify earlier in February to answer questions about their affair and whether that constituted a conflict of interest in prosecuting the alleged election interference case. Trump attorneys are seeking to remove Willis from the case and a possible change of venue outside of Fulton County.
Willis claimed the improper relationship with Wade didn’t begin until after he began working in her office, however, a former Fulton County DA Office employee testified that the two had been in a relationship since 2019, well before he was hired for the high-profile gig for which he does not to be qualified. Moreover, cellphone geo-tracking data from AT&T, subpoenaed by Trump’s legal team, contradicts Wade’s testimony.
352 days ago | Comment by: Daniel
Fair..., fair..., fair..., we don't need to be stinking fair.....