Busted: Capitol CCTV footage shows false testimony may have been given by Pelosi's security team about January 6th

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - According to a report from the Blaze, the Capitol police officer assigned to the security detail of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on January 6, 2021 may have given a false testimony about his whereabouts during a specific encounter with members of the Oath Keepers. 

The Blaze performed an examination of Capitol closed-circuit TV video, which is only the beginning of a planned series of analyzing video evidence that has recently been made available to the public. 

The first of three January 6th trials was barely a blip on the radar of many citizens of this country. The trial that sought to bring conspiracy charges against members of a "quasi-militia" group known as the Oath Keepers began in late September 2022 and concluded about two months later. According to the Blaze:

"For each of these trials, the U.S. Justice Department brought out its big guns. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Nestler's opening statement threw down the gauntlet, declaring five Oath Keepers were the 'leaders' of the 'insurrection.'" 

The media outlet added:

"The Oath Keeper trials were a central part of the overarching case made by the Biden administration and Democratic Party leaders to the American people that the protests on January 6, 2021, were a premediated attack on democracy itself." 

It is important to note that the Oath Keepers had more than a decade's worth of a spotless record. They have never once been accused or charged with a crime in thousands of its operations. According to the Blaze:

"Oath Keepers founder Steward Rhodes was found guilty of seditious conspiracy and sentenced to 18 years in federal prison. Kelly Meggs was also found guilty of seditious conspiracy and received a 12-year sentence. Jessica Watkins was acquitted of seditious conspiracy, but found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and interfering with police and sentenced to eight and a half years."


"Kenneth Harrelson received four years for obstructing and official proceeding, interfering with police and tampering with documents or proceedings."

During the trial, the key piece of evidence that proved the "seditious intent" of the Oath Keepers was reportedly based on the accounts of two law enforcement officers. 

U.S. Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus, a member of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's security detail, testified that he "passed by USCP Officer Harry Dunny engaging with four Oath Keepers."

He stated that he did this "three or four times" while evacuating staffers for Pelosi who were trapped in a locked office in her chambers. According to the Blaze:

"During his sworn testimony, Lazarus went into great detail about the problems he had getting through the crowd of rioters gathered at the top of the stairwell where Dunn was having what became a much-publicized interchange with the Oath Keepers." 

As noted by the Blaze from its analyzing of the video footage, Lazarus' testimony was about this big, significant even that never happened. The direct video evidence that the jury never saw shows that his testimony was a lie:

"Three Blaze Media employees, including this writer and a House Oversight Committee staffer recently examined the U.S. Capitol CCTV video, which appears to prove conclusively that Special Agent Lazarus was not in that part of the Capitol Building at the time he claimed but was in fact in the lower tunnels that lead to the Senate office buildings, escorting senators away from the Capitol."
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