Socialist politician calls black residents 'racist' for not wanting illegal immigrants bussed into their neighborhoods

CHICAGO, IL – As governors from immigration-worn states like Texas continue to send busloads of illegal immigrants to “sanctuary” cities, and mayors of those cities are feeling the strain that large numbers of people entering the economy, now residents of those areas are starting to speak up.

Residents of Chicago are no exception. A recent meeting in at Hyde Park revealed the frustration community members are feeling. Kenwood residents, like Doris Lewis, were in attendance to express their displeasure with a plan to turn a local hotel into a migrant shelter that will house approximately 300 people.

Alderman Andre Vasquez, chair of the City Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights, used that moment as an opportunity to tell everyone in the room that they were just playing into Republican’s hands by engaging in racism, according to Front Page Magazine.

Vasquez was also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, prior to them kicking him out.

“It is an intentional attack on the city of Chicago to get us to be divided,” Vasquez told the gathered crowd. “They don’t want to see a successful Democratic Party, they don’t want to see the president reelected, they want to see Chicago look like a disaster.”

But Lewis wasn’t having it.

“I am absolutely livid, livid," she said. "You all are so hypocritical. I live right across the street from that hotel. Back when they were there in the spring, they would be on our lawn, on our benches. I’m walking around the building, what do I walk upon? Three men urinating on the building. I don’t want them there.

Take them someplace else or send them back to Venezuela, I don’t care where they go. This is wrong … 73 percent of the people homeless in this city are black people. What have you done for them? What are you doing for the thousands of black children who are not in school?”

Other resident’s raised additional concerns, such as “trash piling up around the hotel, potential diseases that migrants might bring with them and proper vetting of those staying at the hotel.”

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, “Around 1,500 people are sleeping at police stations and airports, waiting for shelter space to open. Since August 2022, more than 13,500 migrants have arrived in Chicago. About 6,500 are spread among 16 shelters.”

In the same amount of time as listed in the Sun-Times piece, more 2.76 million people crossed the southern border illegally. Texas had 116,976 illegal immigrants enter the state in August of 2022, the first month listed in Chicago’s numbers. The number arriving in the Windy City over the past year is roughly 12% of what Texas sees each month.
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I think it is racist for Spanish people to lie to Americans like this. The first people to codify racist laws into government was 15th century Spaniards. Majority of slaves bought from african traders were brought to Brazil. The Spanish people don't have section 8 housing and link card for groceries for LOW INCOME immigrants. How can a person so aligned with the Hispanic political agenda lie about 3 things to the American people. First how are a people who can't economically benefit their homeland are suppose to be good for the American economy. Even though latin America is the 2nd world as far as gdp and wealth. The uneducated, uncivilized illegal immigrants are the main problem to solve the drug epidemic in america why should america allow illegal immigrants. The Mexicans attacked the black people based on skin color during the 2020 pandemic in chicago. 3rd how do you expect america to take care of illegal immigrants when latin America can't even take of its own citizens they are globally the producers of cocaine at the center of all organized crime. The audacity to give latin Americans so much importance is ridiculous as a democracy allowing illegal immigration children to become citizens gives political clout to idiots who write stupid articles that give them importance first learn why people aren't migrating to latin America then talk about america

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