School district under fire for forcing girl to sleep with biological boy during school-sponsored field trip

JEFFERSON COUNTY, CO - Axios reports that homeschooling has increased, with between 1.9 million and 2.7 million children being homeschooled in the U.S. The Washington Post said that homeschooling is the fastest-growing form of education in the U.S. The following most likely explains why parents are pulling their kids from government indoctrination mills and educating them at home. 

A report out of Colorado’s Jefferson County School District that a fifth-grade girl was forced to sleep in the same bed as a biological boy during a field trip has outraged parents and caught the attention of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). 

In a demand letter sent to the school system and Superintendent Tracy Dorland, ADF wrote that the school “assigned a fifth-grade girl to sleep in the same bed as a fifth-grade boy who identifies as [a] transgender [girl] without notifying the girl or her parents.” 

The Gateway Pundit reports the ADF is representing an 11-year-old girl and her parents, Joe and Serena Wailes who are demanding the school answer for the incident and its policies that caused this to happen in the first place. 

According to the parents, their daughter went on a school-sponsored field trip to Philadelphia and was assigned to a room with three other students, according to the demand letter. Two girls were students from her school, while the third was a boy who identified as a girl and attended a different school. That student was identified only as “K.E.M.” in the letter. 

“We were definitely not aware of that before we went on the trip,” Serena Wailes told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. She said the boy was wearing girls’ clothing and had longer hair. 

According to the letter, the daughter, identified as D.W., and K.E.M. were assigned to the same bed. While the students were in the room together that evening, K.E.M. told the three girls he was, in fact, a boy and identified as a girl. 

Shocked by the revelation, D.W. went into the bathroom and called her mother. She went downstairs and met her mother in the lobby. Ms. Wailes said her daughter was “terrified and really upset about the idea of sharing a bed with a biological boy–even though she had a good relationship with this other student.” 

D.W. clearly knew what she was being told to do by the school district was wrong and told her mother. Imagine the case of a child who felt the same way and who felt intimidated about speaking out about such an incident. 

“I was really upset,” Ms. Wailes told The Daily Signal. “One, I was really upset that she was put in that situation at 11 years old–I don’t feel that is fair to put kids in that kind of situation–and two, that we were not even given the information that this was a possibility before the trip. The whole time, they’re saying, ‘Girls on one floor, boys on the other, they’re not going to be in each other’s rooms unless it is preapproved.’ So we’re going through this whole process, not even recognizing this is a possibility.” 

Outraged, Serena Wailes called her husband from the hotel. 

“I felt a bit helpless,” he said. “I was 2,000 miles away. My daughter is scared in a bathroom trying to get herself out of a situation. It was a frustrating experience, and I just really felt like it was not a situation my daughter should be put in.” 

In their letter, ADF is demanding the Jefferson County School Board and the superintendent make it clear “whether JCPS will continue this practice of intentionally withholding information about rooming accommodations from warrants like the Waileses, who object to their children rooming with a student of the opposite sex, regardless of the other student’s gender identity,” the letter said. 

“This practice renders it impossible for these parents to make informed decisions about their children’s privacy, upbringing, and participation in school-sponsored programs,” the group said. “Additionally, our clients request information related to JB R-1 and the ability to opt out of this rooming policy for all future trips.” 

The letter noted that when confronted about the situation, trip chaperones informed the school’s principal, Ryan Lucas, one of the trip leaders, who called the boy’s parents. 

“K.E.M.’s parents confirmed their child’s transgender identity and that K.E.M. was to be in ‘stealth mode,’ meaning students on the trip would not know about their child’s transgender status,” the letter said. 

“Stealth mode? If that doesn’t sound like an intentional infiltration of transgender ideology into the minds of unsuspecting schoolchildren, I don’t know what does.

“Throughout the entire evening, K.E.M.’s privacy and feelings were always the primary concern of JCPS employees,” the letter continues. “After JCPS disregarded D.W.’s privacy and the Waileses’ parental rights, JCPS then silenced D.W, thus infringing on her freedom of speech, when a JCPS told the three girls that they were not allowed to tell anyone that K.E.M. was transgender, even though K.E.M. voluntarily chose to share this information.” 

So, what was the solution to this issue? The chaperones moved K.E.M. to another room–with another female student. 

According to school district policy, it states that “in most cases,” rooms are assigned based on a student’s gender identity rather than biological sex, the demand letter states. 

In other words, woke gender identity is the deciding factor in assigning rooms on field trips in Jefferson County, biology be damned. 

The Wailes told The Daily Signal that they have two children in fourth grade scheduled for field trips to New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia in 20204. 

“They want to make sure that every parent knows that this is a possibility and can have the opportunity to opt-out or make the best decision for their kid. But they also have two younger children that they want to make are not in the same situation that their older daughter was in,” Kate Anderson, director of the Center for Parental Rights at ADF told The Daily Signal. 

Parents–get your children out of public schools. They care more about kowtowing to woke gender indoctrination than protecting your kids. This story says it all. 

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NO! This is completely wrong! What is he did not inform those other kids and actually slept with this little girl? Would he have sexually assaulted her? What about if they were sharing the same bathroom and he was viewing these girls while they were naked? What about if while they were in the bathroom and he dropped his clothes and they were to view his male parts? I would also sue this school and the school board and everyone involved in this "WOKE" garbage!

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