Connecticut school brings in DEI consultant who then 'accidentally' introduced gay porn into the presentation

FAIRFIELD, CT - Fairfield Public Schools Superintendent Michael J. Testani penned an email following an incident that transpired when district staff met for Convocation to kick off the school year. That Convocation included a presentation from a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultant.

"Unfortunately, explicit, and inappropriate language of a sexual nature was displayed within a slideshow by the district's keynote speaker, Dr. Derrick Gay. Fairfield Public Schools does not condone this behavior and we will no longer be partnering with Dr. Derrick Gay pending a thorough investigation."

Warning: The following post on X shows the slide that caused all of the distress. It does contain language of a graphic nature.

The email from the superintendent was delivered to families across the district to shed light on what happened.

“There was an inappropriate website URL which appeared within the keynote speaker’s presentation during yesterday’s Convocation," Testani told the Connecticut Centinal.

"While we understand that this wasn’t purposely placed within the presentation, we cannot ignore the fact that it occurred. We must acknowledge people’s feelings who participated in the professional learning, and as a district, continue to prioritize a safe and welcoming environment for all.”

Gay said he understood how it made those present uncomfortable but denied that he placed the link in the slideshow.

Speaking with the Patch, Gay said, "I am deeply distressed that an inappropriate URL appeared on a public slide presentation. I regret any offense or discomfort this unfortunate incident may have caused to the attendees.

However, to be clear, I did not place the content on the slide. I have used this slide more than a hundred times and have never seen this content before. I do not know how the content got into the slide and believe I am the victim of a third party accessing my computer.

I am investigating the activity on my computer with professionals and will do my best to determine the source of this incident."

According to his website, Gay is fluent in five languages and works all over the world lecturing on diversity and inclusion, and has degrees from Oberlin College, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Columbia University, and The University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Gay has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Business of Fashion, The Huffington Post, NPR, and 60 Minutes, to name a few. He is also a contributing writer to Forbes.

As far as the services he offers for his school-centric clients, his website shows that his focus is more on the diversity and inclusion piece of DEI, and less about the equality, saying that “treating everyone the same is not in the best interest of our students.”

The full statement on that process is taken from the School Services for Staff and Faculty section, which reads:

"…when educators provide positive feedback and encourage young girls to participate in math and science, gender gaps in schools close. Similarly, when teachers utilize culturally responsive pedagogy and inclusive curricula, students from historically-marginalized groups demonstrate more robust engagement. If the goal is to adopt a constructivist approach which builds on the culture of each child, then it follows that the old adage of treating everyone the same is not in the best interest of our students.”
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