Cop killer's mother claims her son is the victim of a broken judicial system, says his conviction is a 'cover up'

CHICAGO, IL - Emonte Morgan, who killed Chicago Police Officer Ella French and injured two other officers in 2021, was finally found guilty of his atrocious crimes on Tuesday.

ABC7Chicago reported that the jury deliberated for three and a half hours and that their verdict came just before 7:30 p.m. An interesting detail reported by this outlet was that the jury was made up of seven men and five women, “most of whom live in the suburbs.” It is unclear why that detail matters, unless of course the media is attempting to discount the verdict by insinuating that rich white men and women were responsible for convicting poor Morgan of the blatant murder.

Morgan, 23 years old, was emotionless as the guilty verdicts were read. He was convicted of first-degree murder for the shooting death of Officer French and two counts of attempted first-degree murder for injuring CPD Officer Carlos Yanez and firing at Officer Joshua Blas.

In August of 2021, Officer Ella French initiated a routine traffic stop for expired tags in the West Englewood area of Chicago. Morgan's brother, Eric Morgan, was driving. Eric complied with officers, handing over car keys and stepping out of the vehicle, before fleeing the scene according to reports.

Morgan was in the backseat of the vehicle and did not comply. Instead, he struggled with the police as he had a gun in his waistband. Officials stated that both officers had their guns holstered when Emonte drew his firearm and shot at both officers. Bodycam footage captured Emonte holding a gun while stepping over the officers’ bodies.

Kim Foxx, Cook County State Attorney, spoke on behalf of the team of “brilliant, dedicated attorneys” that prosecuted the case.

“We are incredibly gratified by the jury’s verdict today. But it is difficult to feel anything other than sadness about the senseless murder of a Chicago police officer killed in the line of duty, who laid her life on the line for the people of Cook County only for it to be struck down by senseless violence,” Foxx said.

She added, “While this is a victory, it is very difficult to feel just, because justice would be Ella French continuing to be with her family and serving the people of Cook County.”

During the trial, the jury was shown graphic bodycam footage. The defense argued that it was still unclear exactly what happened.

In addition to the bodycam footage, the Cook County assistant medical examiner also testified. She said that she found a bullet and bleeding in Officer French’s brain. Autopsy photos were also shown during the trial.  

Despite all the evidence, Evalena Flores, Morgan’s mother, spoke to the press, coming to her son’s defense. Unable to stomach that her son committed cold blooded murder, she is calling the trial a “cover-up.”

Flores spoke to reporters outside of the courthouse on Tuesday, following the guilty verdicts that leave her son facing life in prison, while French’s life was cut short entirely. She said, “This is a cover-up. Point blank period. And I do believe that my son will receive justice. I will not stop. I will continue to fight for my son’s justice.”

She goes on in her tirade to claim that her son and others have been victimized by “this corrupt judicial system," even blaming lower socioeconomic status on the outcome of the case. She said that “they served somebody guilty that is actually innocent.”

As seen in the post from X below, she has been saying this since the murder.

Emonte is not the victim here. French and the injured officer are. And so are the taxpayers who will be footing the bill for his prison sentence while his mother screams victim based on race and socioeconomic status, instead of acknowledging her son’s actions and accepting the consequences of those actions.

ABC7’s reporting of jurors from the suburbs suddenly makes sense.

“It’ll never be the same for Elizabeth. It’ll never be the same for the Yanez family or the Blas family or this department really. Even if they say it was a bad traffic stop, does that mean you have the ability to execute people? It’s just a dumb argument to make,” said John Catanzara, Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President.

The parties will be back in court for post-trial motions on April 19.
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We all know the apple story. How about an eye for an eye.


It probably is.... The system IS brken, NO DOUBT about it .... But stupid, low I.Q., self entitled pig / cop is NEVER going to figure it out


Should be like the 60's. That POS would have gotten an instant death penalty.


Seems Hames is a perfect example if the lowlife living in that area who make victims of those living there and will be the first one to spew their racist drivil when someone attempts to stop them.


James, better look in the mirror bud.....your attitude is exactly what's wrong with siociety! Little punk tried to kill 3 LE officers over the fact he was packing and it sounds a helluva alot like your trying to stick up and make excuses for his worthless azz!


I hate this always bring race and economic status. Just because your poor does not mean you don't know right from wrong ! Many of us grew up poor and most are law abiding citizens.


I hate this always bring race and economic status. Just because your poor does not mean you don't know right from wrong ! Many of us grew up poor and most are law abiding citizens.


I hate this always bring race and economic status. Just because your poor does not mean you don't know right from wrong ! Many of us grew up poor and most are law abiding citizens.


When a mom doesn't teach her son right from wrong and blames everyone else for her shortcomings it gets old. I know lots of poor folks and they are not cop killers like your son.


When a mom doesn't teach her son right from wrong and blames everyone else for her shortcomings it gets old. I know lots of poor folks and they are not cop killers like your son.


Indeed. Just who raised the murderer? Blaming "the System" is a favorite trick of careless parents.


Wow just wow. A real mother of the year candidate here--NOT. Now you wonder why her son is in jail and look no further than her lack of responsibility.


The fatherless spawn of LBJ, subsidized by the govt programs and indoc by union govt schools became part of the 13/60 out Wilding …should of saved the taxpayer the burden and smoke checked em on the street…




naturally his racist mother is calling the conviction of her son a cover up by rich white men, she can not take the responsibility that she was and is a lousy parent Well he is a good boy, all he did was kill a cop, AND WOUND TWO OTHERS but he is a good boy just misunderstood and the rich white people are railroading him, Now since she ran her racist mouth everyone can see how this punk turned out like he did. He is where he belongs and I hope he gets what he gave to that officer THE DEATH SENTENCE


A mother’s gonna defend her babies. Not knowing the case or seeing the footage I have to take the story at face value. What you doing with a gun in your pants? Why did the driver flee the scene? Was what you were worried about worth ending the life of another? Getting caught with a gun may land you in jail for a time but, that coffin you filled is forever. You wanna bang? Bang. Just not against law enforcement.


Well now...Isn't she something special...NOT... Your son is a flipping thug/gang banger and now murderer....His justice should be 6ft. Under period....Oh and your other POS son, should also spend time in prison for being a thug /gang banger as well.... Oh and the gun your son had, did you give it to him for "good measure"?, Because you seem like the type of Mom that would do something that despicable... Enjoy all your visits behind glass until the day he dies....


STFU Flores your son tried to kill 3 officers that day. Officer Ella French left her family that day to protect ours. How many times does Officer French's family have to relive this nightmare.


There are far too many cases that prove our judicial system is "broken," but her son's case is not one of them.


Comical that his defense attorney is attempting to paint anyone who doesn't live in that city as "rich white folks". What a feeble attempt at attempting to save his thug murderer from a long prison stay. He forget that he had the same ability to accept or reject jurors. Sounds like with a two hour deliberation he didn't present a very good defense. Maybe he can ok lead that he's incompetent.


Comical that his defense attorney is attempting to paint anyone who doesn't live in that city as "rich white folks". What a feeble attempt at attempting to save his thug murderer from a long prison stay. He forget that he had the same ability to accept or reject jurors. Sounds like with a two hour deliberation he didn't present a very good defense. Maybe he can ok lead that he's incompetent.


Comical that his defense attorney is attempting to paint anyone who doesn't live in that city as "rich white folks". What a feeble attempt at attempting to save his thug murderer from a long prison stay. He forget that he had the same ability to accept or reject jurors. Sounds like with a two hour deliberation he didn't present a very good defense. Maybe he can ok lead that he's incompetent.


What do you expect a mother to say? She is the one who raised the criminal, so she should blame herself, not make the old excuse of blaming "The system."

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