Criminal gangs selling bogus green cards, SS cards to illegal immigrants in New York City

NEW YORK, NY - You can no longer be surprised at what our country is turning into…a seemingly lawless nation being increasingly overrun with criminal gangs, all thanks to Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and a rogue administration.

The latest plague on our country is occurring in New York City, where the New York Post reports that criminal gangs, including MS-13, are selling fake green cards and social security cards to illegal aliens on street corners in the borough of Queens.  

According to the Post, they saw at least ten individuals in broad daylight at four different street corners selling bogus documents for $80 to $250, which can be used to open bank accounts, get a job, or possibly obtain driver’s licenses. 

One former law enforcement official says that besides being illegal, those who obtain such identification may have much more nefarious intentions. 

According to Bruce Fourcart, a former special agent in charge at the Department of Homeland Security, someone who obtains such identification “could load a truck up with bombs…and bring it underneath the Holland Tunnel and crate something major and disastrous.”

“For someone that wants to do terrorist activity or is a national security threat, it’s easy to establish this second life within the US. 

“I guarantee right now, we’re just waiting for another 9/11,” Fourcart said. 

The following are incidents observed by the Post:

  • Five men wearing hoods were outside a local bakery, whispering “social, social” to those passing by while speaking to Spanish-speaking clients near a massage parlor. In one case, a Post reporter was offered “pristine permanent residency and social security cards for $80.” The seller assured the cards “work,” telling the person, “I need your name, your whole name, your age…I can take your picture.” 
  • Some group members entered a stairwell underneath a business with customers close behind. One observer said, "cash handoffs and document pickups take place behind a glass door.” 
  • One fake ID pusher sitting outside an insurance office was selling fake green cards for $180 and fake social security cards for $70. He admitted “many people” purchased the bogus documents but wouldn’t say how many had been sold. 
  • One reporter was brought into a stairwell underneath a barber shop and was asked to enter his name, age, and country of origin into a phone. While the original price of the bogus documents was $200 for a green card and a social security card, the price was negotiated to $80, although the Post said they did not buy the cards. 
  • Finally, another fake document peddler was recorded sitting on a chair under elevated railroad tracks, according to footage obtained by an Instagram account. 

The Post reported that those selling bogus identification cards on Roosevelt Ave. are members of the 18th Street gang, as well as MS-13, both Los Angeles-originated gangs who specialize in violence and drug dealing–and now, selling bogus IDs. 

Fourcart told the Post that transnational organizations running the ID mills also aid in smuggling in illegal aliens, thereby creating a “one-stop shop” for them. 

According to the Post, Roosevelt Ave is known as the "epicenter of fake IDs on the East Coast." In addition, the area is known for prostitution, which was recently exposed by the Post. YouTube videos refer to that area as "Market of Sweethearts.". 

Residents of the borough are unhappy about the new “business” that has moved into their area. 

“If they’re doing social security number[s] and nobody says shit, next time it’ll be weapons and passports,” said one clerk at a borough grocery store located on Roosevelt. 

“Everyone can do what they want now.” 

Approximately 180,000 illegal aliens have invaded New York since the spring of 2022, feeding the demand for fake identification cards. 

“People from other boroughs are coming specifically to this area to get the IDs; all the new migrants are coming here,” one local resident said. 

According to Roy Fenoff, associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at the Citadel, acquiring bogus identification is essential for illegals to take advantage of the number of government services available. 

“Once people have these fake cards, they can work, they can travel, they can access a lot of aspects and services in the United States,’ Fenoff said. “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.” 

He also noted that while the social security cards themselves are fake, the actual numbers are accurate, which could have a detrimental effect on US citizens. 

‘If I’m using a social security number that’s of another person, and then I’m committing crimes, and I’m using [their] name, you potentially have warrants out there for innocent people’s arrest because you don't really know who this person was,” he said, pointing out the case of a Denver woman whose ID was stolen. 

There is also the issue of avoiding the development of a criminal record under their real name. 

“If they’ve never been fingerprinted before, under their fake name, they can get arrested five, six, seven, eight times…and they themselves would never have a record,” said John Cutter, retired NYPD deputy chief of served in the Intelligence Division. 

“With fake IDs, they become [a] ghost, so they become more emboldened and more willing to break the law and potentially do something that’s really serious,” he continued. 

As an example, the brother of the illegal alien charged in the horrific death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, Diego Ibarra, had a fake green card, which he used to gain employment at the University of Georgia. Ibarra is also linked to a violent Venezuelan gang. 

In New York, making a fake ID is a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison, however, New York DA Alvin Bragg historically lets even violent offenders out of jail with minimal jail time. 

The Post reached out to New York’s Finest, the NYPD, to find out how they are dealing with the sale of fake IDs in Queens. 

“The NYPD will continue to address conditions…on Roosevelt Avenue,” a spokesperson told the outlet. 

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need bounties for this trash.

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