Does the Biden administration WANT more violent crime? LEO expert Michael Letts says yes, and here’s why

with Michael Letts by is licensed under
One of the benefits of America’s two-party political system is that it helps promote balance and prevents either side from becoming too powerful. When one side is in power, history proves it eventually swings back to the other side like a pendulum, and life goes on.

But what happens if one side has too much control? What happens if that side, well we’ll just say it, the Democrat party, if they want to consume more power and virtually take over the country?

According to Michael Letts, LEO advocate, political analyst, and CEO/founder of InVest USA, a nonprofit that provides first responders with vests, we’re already there…and the signs are everywhere.

The rest of America just needs to open their eyes.

One of the signs Michael Letts warns America about is the rising level of violent crime and the clear lack of support for law enforcement. He was recently featured on a podcast and explained America’s dire situation.

“Well, we've got to look at the root cause to begin with. You know violent crime is spiraling out of control, among other things, and of course, there's a lot of policy issues that cause that from open borders, to disregard for backing our Thin Blue Line, for disregard of the law in general,” Letts said.

Part of the problem, Letts said, is the complete lack of respect for law enforcement. When there is no support for law enforcement, it makes it less appealing for young people to enter a career in law enforcement. And that shows in the numbers.

“We have such a reduction in the law enforcement population. You know just three to four years ago we had roughly 1.3 million officers more officers across this country. We got around 700,000 now and that wasn't by happenstance. That's been a planned agenda by this administration to try to reduce the number of law enforcement officers,” he said.

The math is simple. The fewer officers available to fight crime, the more crime that is going to occur. Couple that with officers who know they don’t have public support. According to Letts, that leads to fear.

“They want to create an atmosphere where violent crime can spiral and grow. If they have an increase in violent crime, they know that it causes great fear among the American people. And what they want to do is they want to create an image to the American people that local and state law enforcement are incapable of protecting you,” Letts said. “They want the federal government to be able to take control of law enforcement.”

One of the signs this has already started is with the IRS.

“That's why they sent 87,000 additional IRS agents, ironic that they wanted IRS agents who are armed and could use a firearm, and the reason they're doing that is to supplement and build their system,” he said.

This all leads back to the Biden administration wanting more violent crime. What is the first thing that Biden’s press secretary tells the public after a mass shooting? It’s that guns are the problem, not the people using them.

“So their [federal government] goal and objective is to make sure they disarm the American people so that then you have no way but to support whatever their agenda is,” he added.

A growing fear is the abundance of power the federal government can eventually have. And history proves that when an organization, a government, or even an individual person has a lot of power, it often leads to abuse and corruption.

“We've seen these radical agendas by this administration. Agendas that weaponize law enforcement, they're weaponizing agencies. If you dare say anything against them, they will come against you, tie you up in court, put you in jail and that's where we're at,” Letts said.

He speaks a chilling truth. But it is not all doom and gloom. There is hope and a strategy. But the American public needs to take action – and they need to take action soon.

“First and foremost understand that it will only get worse as we continue to lose law enforcement. We have to stop the bleeding and the loss of law enforcement officers. There's only one way to do that and that's we, as American citizens, have to show our support for law enforcement first and foremost,” he said.

That is why this presidential cycle is critical to America and the American way of life. The Democrats are trying to monopolize the system so they can impose their will and agenda on the American people.

Remember that come election day and make sure to cast your vote for Donald Trump so we can bring back balance to America.

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company 
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The opinions reflected in this article are not necessarily the opinions of LET
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Remember when the Obama administration was trying to make 1 national law enforcement agency to replace all local police agencies. The idea was (bait) that training would be centralized and efficient.


Democrats serve the psycopaths in Davos .

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