What you won't see in the news: police working to "bridge the gap" with kids across America

Submitted by Al Eskanazy, Founding Chairman of the Community Police Relations Foundation

All across America, feeling safe and secure is fundamental to people’s ability to work and live comfortably. To make this possible, the role of local law enforcement is critical to creating interactions that enhance trust among the youth and adults they serve.

This includes various initiatives that work to improve lines of communication and support the goal of police-public cooperation. As officers strive to protect the well-being of everyone, communities can flourish by understanding the importance of community policing and the impact of working together to achieve a common goal.

For both law enforcement and citizens, the significance of community policing is a matter that affects children and adults alike. This is seen through fair and respectful interactions and the encouragement of citizens to play an active role in their community.

At Rutgers University, a study found that a single non-enforcement contact with a uniformed patrol officer can substantially improve an individual’s willingness to cooperate with police to solve neighborhood problems. Just as these accomplishments require effort, the positive effects of community policing rely on the partnership between both groups to address such concerns.

To further maintain public safety, cooperation among law enforcement and adults promotes a level of protection in the event of a crime. Such community-police relations offer encouragement for agencies to proactively develop solutions that enhance their quality of life.

According to the National Institute of Justice, community policing is critical to identifying those who are planning to carry out acts of violence, preparing communities to respond, aiding public safety officials in the response and when acts cannot be prevented, and helping communities heal and recover. Naturally helping to foster strong relationships, these endeavors also produce effective forms of communication that can make a life-changing difference.

In addition, community policing helps adults to regard local officers as dependable allies in society. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a study found that positive, non-punitive contact with the public markedly improves attitudes and trust toward police.

While this helps to shape public behavior toward those who serve and protect, the far-reaching implications of these efforts strengthen the connection between both parties with the confidence to resolve issues, provide counsel, and take action with the support of one another.

In comparison to older generations, the future well-being of a community also resides in the bond that is created and nurtured with younger ones. This is possible with law enforcement’s unique opportunity to positively influence the lives of children.

To be productive members of society, younger individuals benefit from mentors and guidance that begins with community policing. This can include school-related initiatives, sporting events, or communal outings that officers actively partake in to support children and influence the growth of long-lasting relationships.

As these interactions work to “Bridge the Gap” between police departments and communities, the societal impact down the road proves to be the greatest win of all.

While the need for law enforcement will always be present, community policing remains essential to help those within it thrive. Most of all, this foundation of trust can produce solid achievements today and tomorrow.

Community-Police Relations Foundation is dedicated to assisting in making this happen.
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