In the previous Substack article I wrote, I included a short, one-minute X(Twitter) video produced by Chad O. Jackson. At the end of Chad’s video, he says the following: "You will never be respected, as a group, if your idea of obtaining power is pretending to be a victim to get it."
“In March 2021, Chelsea Boyle’s first-grade daughter made a drawing for a black friend of hers which she said was drawn to make her friend feel more included in school. Boyle was unaware that at the time, her daughter was being indoctrinated into the Black Lives Matter movement in school, just under a year after the George Floyd riots took place in 2020.
“According to National Review, Boyle was unaware that the school had punished her six-year-old daughter for the drawing because not only did she write “Black Lives Mater,” misspelled as a first-grade student might do, but she also included the words “any life.”
In reading the full article, if you’re not outraged, then perhaps you need to think about the subject of the article again. Since I’ve written two full-length books, Uncle Tom’s Uncle, First Edition (416 pages), and Uncle Tom’s Uncle, Second Edition (275 pages), produced a YouTube video, and written a bunch of Substack articles that reflect my view of Black life, I’m going to keep this article short and deal with just one issue—exactly what Chad O. Jackson ended his X(Twitter) video with: the fact that Black folks will never be respected if we play the role of perpetual victim.
In that regard, I’m now going to do what the old-time Black preachers would do during their sermons: “Make it plain!!” And I’m going to do so by presenting a truth that was revealed to us by Candace Owens. And that truth is that George Floyd, who has damn-near been anointed as the GOD of Black victimhood, was a low-life, degenerate THUG who shoved a GUN into a PREGNANT WOMAN’S BELLY. If you didn’t know that, then watch Candace’s video. He was no victim! He was a thug!!
These Black victim hustlers, especially within the political class, are going to “earn” contempt for our people. Again, as Chad O. Jackson said: Ultimately, you will not be respected if you play the perpetual victim. You will be disrespected.
Incidentally, as I have explained in my writings and video, and as was also covered with pristine historical expertise in the two, full-length documentaries, Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom II, pre-1960s, our people were extremely productive, all over the United States, and this was at a time when segregation occurred. But, despite that, we built institutions, all over the United States, including hospitals, doctors offices, dental offices, mini-supermarkets, bus companies, insurance companies, banks, theatres, TV repair shops, taxi-cab companies, hotels, motels, mom-and-pop stores, Churches, funeral parlors, etc.
On top of that, we manned factories and other facilities that produced America’s goods. But, unfortunately, when the 1960s “social revolution” occurred, a victim mentality washed over the Black community, produced by “Negro leaders” whose main concern was their sense of status, as well as their sense of MONEY!! And what’s SO interesting is that the common people, whom I refer to as “barbershop Black folks” were hip to those “Negro” hustlers, and actually referred to them as “race hustlers.” In short? It was common knowledge, amongst working-class Black folks, that our “leaders” were, in fact, hustling victimhood to make money for themselves.
Here’s the ridiculous way that that “man,” George Floyd, was characterized after The Good Lord decided to change his address:
Ridiculous Bullshit!
And bullshit ain't nothin' but chewed up grass!
Ron Chism, son of Nathaniel Spain Chism, a life-long construction carpenter who retired with a full pension from the Chicago Carpenter's Union, and Azelma Dolores Chism, who, believe it or not, prepared me for a skill ten years before that skill, Word Processing, even existed. Because of her, I was able to market my skills successfully, until, after 55 years of employment, I successfully retired, and now sit, comfortably, on my BLACK ASS, talking shit at Substack. I am a living example of the success that pre-1960s Black parents carved out for their children by REFUSING to allow us to bitch and whine.
207 days ago | Comment by: Dawn
He's so right. I don't care what someone's skin color or background is, if they perpetually play the victim, I have zero respect for them. Many people have been victims in one way or another - racism, child abuse, rape, and the list can go on and on because humans are far too willing to hurt each other. That said, most of us let go of victimhood and choose to be happy and productive and encourage others to do the same. It seems like perpetual victims not only don't want to be productive or uplift others. They just want to wallow in victimhood and make everyone around them miserable. Life's too short to put up with that nonsense.