Liar, liar: Even CNN calls out Kamala Harris flip-flop on border wall in total mic-drop moment

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WASHINGTON, DC - When you are a vapid airhead with absolutely no core beliefs, or at least core beliefs that only the most radical leftists support, you need to gaslight the American people into believing you are not an unhinged extremist to appeal to "moderates." Such is the conundrum facing Kamala Harris, who has attempted to “pivot” way right to the point where she is mirroring policies advocated by her opponent, Donald Trump. And even left-leaning media outlets are starting to notice. 

Last week, even CNN weighed in to highlight Harris’ hypocrisy when it comes to issues that belong to Trump. 

On the CNN program “Erin Burnett OutFront, Burnett was interviewing CNN’s K-File senior editor Andrew Kaczynski about Harris’ latest flip-flop, where she is now claiming to support the border wall she has consistently railed about for years. 

Kaczynski found some 50 instances where Harris slammed Trump’s border wall but now claims she supports the wall as featured in campaign ads. Kaczynski said Harris’s history of opposing the border wall is returning to “haunt” her. 

After a Harris ad played featuring a portion of the wall, Burnett reminded viewers that Harris criticized the wall in her 2019 book, “The Truths We Hold,” which clearly were “truths” in 2019 that no longer hold now that she’s running for president in a country overrun by illegal aliens whom the Biden-Harris administration allowed into the country. 

In that book, Harris wrote that the wall was not only “useless” but would serve as a “monument standing in opposition to not just everything I value, but to the fundamental values upon which this country was built.” Harris also complained that the wall was a symbol that runs counter to American values and tells the world to “KEEP OUT.” 

Harris further criticized the wall as a “misuse of taxpayer money.” In a public event in 2019, Harris slammed Trump, calling the wall a “vanity project” while claiming Trump “contrived a national crisis around his big distraction.” 

Now, Harris is claiming she supports the wall. So much for her “values.” 

Kaczynski told Burnett the portion of the wall featured in the Harris ad was built during the Trump administration. 

“That is a portion of wall that was actually built by Donald Trump. It was built in an area where there was not previous[ly] a border wall, it was actually pretty controversial when they were building it at the time,” he said. 

Other adjectives Harris used were “unnecessary” and “wasteful.” 

Burnett asked Kaczynski, “She’s using this wall that he built to say, ‘Look what I did’?” 

Harris was appointed as “border czar” by Biden in 2021 and, as such, has overseen an invasion of an estimated eight to ten million illegal aliens, not including so-called “got-aways.” Included in those numbers are individuals on terror watch lists. With unlawful “immigration” being a key issue in the upcoming election, Harris is now trying to paint herself as a “border hawk,” which flies in the face of reality. 

Kaczynski also pointed out to Burnett that other images of the wall in the Harris ad have “telltale signs” of being constructed during President Trump’s term because they feature “anti-climbing plates” on top that were a feature on walls built during the Trump era. 

Harris has criticized Trump and so-called “MAGA Republicans” for killing a “bipartisan” border bill that was rife with holes, as detailed by conservative talk show host Mark Levin during his Aug. 28, 2024 broadcast.

The bill would have allowed a minimum of 5,000 illegals per day to enter the country before the president “could” halt any further entry. It would have codified a provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegals, would have codified a provision to provide taxpayer-funded lawyers to fight deportations, and given work permits to illegal aliens enshrined into federal law. 

The bill would also codify “catch-and-release” into law and provide billions in taxpayer dollars to sanctuary cities and NGOs to support illegal aliens. None of this includes the cost of providing Medicare and/or Medicaid to illegals. The bill has much more to hate, so the House refused to take it up. The bill was garbage. To hear Levin's description, you can listen here. 

Harris raised that bill during the Democratic National Convention and vowed to sign the bill into law while at the same time pushing a pathway to citizenship for so-called “DREAMers.” 

Don’t be fooled. Harris has not changed her position. She has overseen an unprecedented invasion at our southern border and there are nothing except empty words to suggest otherwise. 

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