Facebook 'fact check' about Democrats' refusal to condemn 2020 Floyd riots is full of holes

A meme has been recirculated on Facebook recently claiming that Democrats refused to condemn the violent riots that took place in the aftermath of the overdose-related death of George Floyd.

The meme is then “fact-checked” by Facebook cellar-dwelling, soy latte swilling Gen Z “fact checkers” generally employed by such stellar news organizations such as USA Today who cherry pick a few examples of milquetoast “condemnations” by a few Democrats to claim the meme is “missing context.” 

The fact is the meme in question doesn’t claim that “not a single Democrat” condemned the violence at 2020’s BLM riots. It claims that Democrats didn’t condemn the violence. And that, fact-check or not, is true. 

Let’s rewind our LET time machine and check out some of the non-condemnations from Democrats. Some are specifically related to the Floyd riots while others suggested not-so-peaceful protests if the police officers involved in the Floyd death were found not guilty. 

From the BBC on April 19, 2021, insane California Rep. Maxine Waters suggested protesters “stay on the streets” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin were acquitted. 

Waters said if Chauvin received a not guilty verdict, “then we know that we got to not only stay in  the street, but we have got to fight for justice.

“”We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.” 

When addressing a curfew, Waters said:
I don’t think anything about a curfew. Curfew means I want you all to stop talking. I want you to stop meeting. I want you to stop gathering. I don’t agree with that.” 

Waters of course, wouldn’t drag her old ass onto the streets to protest…that’s for her lemmings to do. 

Waters, you may recall, also called for her minions to harass Trump administration officials “in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere…” 

In June 2020, House Democrats blocked a resolution, introduced by Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) condemning protests “exploited by violent extremists” carrying out “acts of violence, looting, destruction of businesses and personal property, and additional loss of life.” The bill also condemned the “deliberate targeting of law enforcement officers.” 

In July 2020, an unruly mob toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore, whereby Pelosi, who actually hails from that city, said she was “not one those people who is wedded to a, ‘Oh a statue of somebody someplace is an important thing. 

“I don’t–again, if the community doesn’t want the statue, the statue shouldn’t be there,” she added. 

Pelosi was asked if it wouldn’t be better if a statue was taken down by a commission or city council, and “not by a mob in the middle of the night,” Pelosi said, “People will do what they do” and laughed it off. 

In the midst of the Floyd riots at a House hearing, Pelosi lambasted Attorney General WIlliam Barr for trying to get a handle on the violence, referring to federal law enforcement agents as “stormtroopers.” 

In July 2020, rotund Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), then chair of the House Judiciary Committee, slammed Barr for trying to quell the riots that would eventually cause approximately $3 billion of damage nationwide. Nadler praised the rioters while slamming law enforcement. 

“You use pepper spray and truncheons on American citizens. You did it here in Washington, he did it in Lafayette Square, you expanded to Portland, and now you are projecting fear and violence nationwide in pursuit of obvious political objectives. Shame on you, Mr. Barr,” Nadler bloviated. 

“First under your leadership, the department has endangered Americans and violated their constitutional rights by flooding federal law enforcement into the streets of American cities against the wishes of the state and local leaders of those cities to forcefully and unconstitutional suppress dissent,” Nadler roared. 

Nadler, you may recall, at one time referred to violence perpetrated by the poorly-named Antifa as a “myth.” 

The incident at Lafayette Square Nadler was referring to was the one where the Secret Service ushered President Trump to a secure bunker inside the White House, fearful that the perimeter would be breached. Scores of Secret Service agents were injured during that riot. 


Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) then took to slamming the attorney general for the clearing of Lafayette Park as President Trump went to visit St. John’s Episcopal Church, which was set ablaze by violent rioters the night before. 

“At Lafayette Park, which has long been honored and accepted as a place of protest in our nation’s capital on the first day of June, the world watched in horror on live television as federal agents deployed by the administration and with you present and telling them to get it done, used force to clear Lafayette Park said [sic] that the president with you and others at your side could walk across the park and have a photo op in front of St. John’s Church.” 

To be clear, it was not a “photo op.” President Trump was going to view the damage caused by the Democrat Party mafia. 


In addressing the violent riots at the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) ignored the violence and instead showed sympathy toward the violent rioters, comprised mostly of Antifa thugs:

“And I’d like to say that so many of them [rioters], I would say most of them are nonviolent. We’ve all heard about the wall of moms. The wall of moms who show up to make sure that people are safe. Here’s what they say. They say they've been tear-gassed night after night, left vomiting, that they’ve been shot at with rubber bullets, bean bags, pepper spray. So this brutality has created even more demonstrators.” 


See, it was the cops’ fault. 

Cohen also jumped on the Portland courthouse siege, again taking the side of the criminals. 

“Unidentified armed federal agents violently attack demonstrators in a violation of the First Amendment’s freedom of assembly and arrested citizens without individualized suspicion and a violation of the fourth amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures in a warrant requirement.” Cohen was clearly napping during constitutional law classes. 

In 2020, our often very amused “vice president” Kamala Harris tweeted support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out rioters who, among other things, burned down a police precinct in Minneapolis. 



One of those sprung from jail due to Harris’s efforts was a man named Shawn Michael Tillman of St. Paul, who three weeks after he was bailed out fired six shots at a man waiting at a St. Paul light rail stop, killing him. At least three of the shots were fired at point-blank range. 

One-half of Connecticut’s unhinged Senate duo, Chris Murphy (D-CT) wrote a since-deleted tweet that spoke volumes about how he felt about the riots, writing, “looting and vandalism is bad” in response to the violent riots, according to The Hill. He didn’t condemn assaults and violence, only property crime. When he was slammed for failing to condemn the latter, he deleted the tweet and issued a milquetoast explanation, saying the tweet “mistakenly gave the impression that I thought there was an equivalency between property crime and murder.” 

So to address the USA Today “fact check,” while it may be correct that “not all Democrats” didn’t condemn the violent 2020 riots, some, including some very high-profile Democrats, refused to do so. You cannot say that for Republicans. 

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You misspelled "Fascistbook."


You misspelled "Fascistbook."


Facebook is just more communist propaganda .

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