Behind the Uniforms: Meet Donny O'Malley - The Legend Behind Vet TV

'From just being yelled at and stressed out at boot camp... all the way through watching friends die... Comedy gets us through that.'

VETTv is the #1 Military Streaming Network, created by veterans, for veterans. It's available on all devices. With over 25 original series, 1 feature film, and partner spotlights from various veteran brands and non-profits, VET Tv authentically reflects the experiences and attitudes of the veteran community. Their vision doesn't start and end with a TV network, their goal is to become the go-to media hub for the military community.

In this episode of Behind the Uniforms at "The Whiskey Wall", Donny O'Malley, creator of VETTv, talks about using humor to save lives. Let's get this message out there!

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