'This should not be happening:' Illegal alien from El Salvador charged in murder of Maryland mother of five

HARFORD COUNTY, MD - An illegal alien from El Salvador has been arrested in the death of a Maryland mother of five and charged with first degree murder and second degree rape.

Rachel Morin was reported missing on August 5, 2023, after she did not return home following a run in the small town of Bel Air just northeast of Baltimore, Fox News reported. The following day her body was located on a nearby trail.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler announced in a press conference on Saturday that Victor Martinez-Hernandez had been arrested Friday night.

“Five hours after meeting with Morin’s family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma assisted by our federal partners, located and arrested Rachel’s murderer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez,” Gahler told the press.


“We all suspected that Rachel was not his first victim. It is my understanding that this suspect, this monster, fled to the United States illegally after committing the brutal murder of a young woman in El Salvador a month earlier in January of 2023,” he added.

Martinez-Hernandez illegally entered the United States in February of 2023. Just one month later, he committed his first crime when he was connected to a home invasion that left multiple people injured, including minors.

Gahler went on to say, “Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March 2023 in Los Angeles. And as everyone I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel’s case to the one in Los Angeles.”

Sheriff Gahler then shifted his comments towards the invasion at the Southern border.

“We are 1800 miles north of the southern border. And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies,” Gahler said speaking about the White House and members of Congress.

He continued, “This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally. In both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. This should not be happening.”

Gahler emphasized that Martinez-Hernandez “did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God-willing, no one else. But that should have never been allowed to happen.”

The invasion at the Southern border continues to get worse. According to the Customs and Border Patrol website, as of April 30, 2024, there had already been 1,520,502 encounters at the Southern border.

This is more than half of the total number of encounters throughout all of 2023. And these are only physical encounters. This does not account for those crossing into the country illegally as those are not easily tracked and often go unaccounted for all together, until tragedy strikes.
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Crime will get worse as police in some areas are lacking in personnel and crimes go unsolved. We are in a banana republic now with no hope for any political solution no matter who wins in Nov. We no longer participate in useless elections.


Trump will deport them all. Don't try to use the military to open citizenship to them . That was their ploy in the draft bill that was shot down . Trump 2024.


Death penalty needs to come back. The death penalty is moral and just. And these illegals need to be deported because they've broken our laws. Tighten up the hiring practices as well. No illegal should be employed. Only legal immigrants who come to contribute, not take our resources and services.


Marylanders voted for it; now they have it. Congrats! Your vote has consequences that will only get worse. Keep voting for those Democrats. It will keep paying you back.

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