Convicted murderer to receive taxpayer-funded sex change surgery after court ruling

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - An Indiana inmate convicted of fatally strangling his own stepchild to death in 2001 is slated to receive a taxpayer-funded sex change surgery after a federal judge's ruling.

Jonathan C. Richardson, alias Autumn Cordellionè, sued the Indiana Department of Corrections in pursuit of the procedure last year, according to Fox News. The inmate had the legal assistance of the leftist American Civil Liberties Union in the matter. The organization had argued an existing Indiana state law barring the use of taxpayer funds in sex change surgeries for inmates constituted "cruel and unusual punishment" barred under the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution.

Judge Richard Young described Richardson's need for the sex change surgery as a pressing medical necessity in a written decision.

"Specifically, Ms. Cordellioné has shown that her gender dysphoria is a serious medical need, and that, despite other treatments Defendant has provided her to treat her gender dysphoria, she requires gender-affirming surgery to prevent a risk of serious bodily and psychological harm."

Court filings submitted on Richardson's behalf disclose that he has already recieved testosterone blockers and female hormones at the taxpayer expense. In spite of this, the ACLU argued nothing less than a orchiectomy (a procedure involving the removal of the male testicles) and a vaginoplasty would suffice for the convicted murderer's healthcare needs.

"She believes that the only remedy for her persistent gender dysphoria, and the serious harm it causes her, is to receive gender-affirming surgery, specifically an orchiectomy and vaginoplasty."

Richardson openly admitted to having "killed the little f****** b****" in an interview with law enforcement after the 2001 homicide of his then-girlfriend's 11-month old daughter, according to Reduxx.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita pledged to appeal the judge's ruling in a Wednesday X message.

"We want our tax dollars going toward things that benefit our family or state as a whole – not surgeries to reverse this murderer's God-given gender."

The convicted murderer, serving a 55-year sentence at a facility intended to house male inmates, has previously argued that the state of Indiana is obstructing his freedom of religion by preventing him from wearing an Islamic hijab garment outside of his cell, according to Indiana KATU.

“I am an eclectic practitioner who is a member of the Theosophical Society in America," the inmate claimed in a document lodging a complaint against a prison chaplain, Richardson said. "I practice a diversity of faiths in order to custom tailor my spiritual beliefs to my spiritual needs."
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Change HIM from living to dead, enough of this bullshit.


What a deplorable waste of taxpayer money. That person should be put to death for what they did, not catered to at the tremendous expense of taxpayers. People like this only pull this nonsense to get special treatment they do NOT deserve. Meanwhile, government officials constantly claim "lack of funds" for reasons not to help those who truly need and deserve it.


I could not agree more!


killed the little f****** b****" Seems to me that he should be a perfect candidate for Indianna's death penalty which they have not used in 15 or so years!


killed the little f****** b****" Seems to me that he should be a perfect candidate for Indianna's death penalty which they have not used in 15 or so years!


One, I'd to read a bio of that judge. Two, appeal that nutso decision! Three, Indiana appears to be emulating the people's republic of kalifornica. People, work to save your state! Four, may I go to Indiana and declare myself a wealthy genius with dashing appearance? kalifornica is reviewing my case.


Bad enough that taxpayers have to support them for the term of their sentence & sometimes lifetime deals, but that is the price we pay for keeping these low lifes locked up & off our streets. Absolutely no way this Judges decision is right & yes it should be appealed & the judge should be expecting a recall petition of however they remove a judge in Indiana. Like one of the commenters mentioned, this wouldn't be a surprise in kalifornia.


This is absolutely ludicrous. Taxpayers are forced to pay to house this criminal & now he is demanding a sec change? He has already demanded, and got, the right to worship as he wants. Now this? Prisoners should not get "rights" and taxpayers should not have to pay to keep them in prison. This guy is not going to change his ways. It would have been better to execute him.

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