After mass shooting involving young teens, Indianapolis police implement curfew targeting the youth

Do Not Cross! by David von Diemar is licensed under Unsplash
INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Beginning Friday, April 5th, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) will be enforcing new curfew laws for juveniles in the city. The implementation of the curfew comes after a mass shooting that injured seven minors between the ages of 12 and 16 on Saturday, March 30th.

When discussing the new curfew, Mayor Joe Hogsett said, "Last weekend was unacceptable. Our community must find effective ways to reduce the harm that stems from neglect, abuse, and irresponsible gun possession."

IMPD Chief Chris Bailey added that it is the adult's duty to make decisions that are in the best interest of the city's youth, adding, "Our goal with adding curfew enforcement to our violence reduction plan is to send a clear message: if parents refuse to fulfill their responsibility, then the IMPD will do what is necessary to help keep our children safe and alive."

Details surrounding the new curfew include: Children 15-17 years of age may not be in a public place between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday; after 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday; and before 5:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. Additionally, children younger than 15-years-old may not be in a public place after 11:00 p.m. or before 5:00 a.m. on any day of the week.

There are a handful of exceptions to the curfew, which include: A juvenile who is accompanied by a parent, guardian or custodian adult; a juvenile who is accompanied by an adult specified by a parent, guardian or custodian; a juvenile participating in, going to or returning from work, a school sanctioned activity, religious event, an emergency involving the protection of a person or property from an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or substantial damage, or an activity involving the exercise of the juveniles engaging in freedom of speech or the right of assembly; and a juvenile participating in an activity conducted by a nonprofit or governmental entity that provides recreation, education, training or other care under the supervision of and adult.

Other exceptions include: A juvenile participating in an activity with the prior written direction of the juvenile's parent, guardian or custodian and a juvenile traveling from outside Indiana to another location outside Indiana. 

According to police, 30 minutes before the curfew takes effect, the department will issue announcements via patrol car PA systems to juveniles in the area. If a juvenile violates the curfew, they will be taken to a designated safe space and secure location. Officers will then attempt to notify parents to pick the juvenile up. If IMPD cannot reach a parent or guardian, the minor will be transported to the juvenile detention center. 

During the press conference announcing the curfew, Chief Bailey said, "What we saw play out downtown last weekend is simply unacceptable. Our residents deserve better. Our children deserve better and a small number of our children need to be better. A curfew will not solve all of our problems, but it is another tool to use."

He added, "It is not our goal to round up and arrest kids. There will be no mass arrests. Actions will only be taken if necessary." IMPD Deputy Chief Tanya Terry said that residents of the area can expect to see increased police patrols downtown starting Friday night. The department will be utilizing more uniformed officers and security cameras in downtown. Incident reports will be filed every time curfew is broken, allowing IMPD to track multiple instances. 

Chief Bailey said that IMPD is calling on the greater Indianapolis community to step up and combat youth violence, citing local youth groups and public safety associations partnering with the department as a good example. 
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