For those who live in the northeastern United States, the climate has become more akin to that of Seattle, with near-constant rainfall, at least over the past several months. Anyone who has lived in that part of the country knows that while months such as April can prove somewhat rainy, this year has been unusual in that rain has been a weekly event, sometimes lasting for days, since late last year.
We have seen proposals from globalist climate change zealots such as Bill Gates to implement human interference in the climate to temper the effects of “climate change.” Cloud seeding is one area that has been experimented with, and it has not always produced positive results.
This past week, the United Arab Emirates experienced record rainfall, which flooded major highways and Dubai International Airport, one of the world’s busiest. According to the AP, floodwaters rose to three feet in some areas of Dubai.
The UAE, located on the Arabian Peninsula, rarely experiences rainfall. In an average year, it receives only 3.73 inches of rain. Last week’s storm dumped 5.59 inches of rain on Dubai in only 24 hours.
The UAE has implemented an “aggressive campaign” of cloud seeding, which some believe may have led to the record flooding. Some “experts,” however, claim that since the storm systems that produced the rain were forecast in advance of the rainfall, cloud seeding had little to do with it.
Cloud seeding should not be confused with so-called “chemtrails,” which many people see in the skies over the US, but which are actually said to be contrails from high-flying aircraft. The existence of chemtrails is said to be a conspiracy theory, which claims the government is poisoning the populace via plane.
That brings us to human beings attempting to do God’s work by controlling the weather. It is quite ironic that at the same time climate change activists are pushing so-called “clean energy” such as solar and wind, governments, including the United States, are floating the idea of attempting to “block out” the sun in order to reduce global temperatures.
The push to modify and control the weather has increased as current efforts to transition the planet to green alternatives, including electric cars, have been met with a skeptical public. According to Bloomberg, those who favor geoengineering the planet claim that no options should be excluded since the “crisis” is so “urgent.”
Opponents, however, are concerned that proponents are losing sight of the unforeseen side effects of attempting to modify the weather and the lack of regulation. They also complain that it distracts the focus from advancing the transition to “clean energy.”
For those who are not familiar with it, cloud seeding “is the process of injecting existing clouds with particles of salt or silver iodide, which form ice crystals that condense into rain or snow, depending on the altitude,” Bloomberg reports. “This can be done using aircraft or ground generators that burn the agent so it rises into the sky in smoke.”
According to the World Meteorological Organization, seeding can boost rainfall from an individual cloud by as much as 20% under optimal conditions. However, some researchers downplay the effectiveness of cloud seeding, claiming government officials use seeding to give the impression that they’re doing something to appease people desperate for rain.
Cloud seeding isn’t anything new and was popular in the 1950s and 1960s to benefit farmers, hydropower companies, and ski resorts. Government funding for such programs was halted in the late 1960s when it was learned the US used a secret seeding program overseen by the military to hinder the movement of enemy troops in Vietnam. In 1977, the US, Russia, India, and several European nations banned weather modification techniques for military purposes.
Playing God, however, can possibly have detrimental effects. A 2023 report from the World Meteorological Organization warned of a lack of knowledge of the technology’s potential impacts on the world. For example, they expressed concern that cloud seeding could alter local weather and produce unintended results, such as hail formation in agricultural areas.
Organization experts also warned that silver dioxide is a toxic substance, and its use should be closely monitored for detrimental health and environmental effects. While some studies claim the environmental risk is “negligible,” others believe there is potential harm, particularly to aquatic life, due to an accumulation of the substance in bodies of water over time.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned that cloud seeding carries high risks, and “there is significant danger that seeding may do more harm than good.”
They warned that research into the impacts of weather modification, particularly “the human consequences of deliberate or inadvertent intervention, need to be anticipated before they are upon us.”
“Policy discussions about the use (and misuse) of cloud seeding,” they warned, “are lacking.”
In 2003, the National Academy of Sciences released a study that showed considerable uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of cloud seeding. Despite numerous studies conducted since then, the evidence of its efficacy has still proven inconclusive.
While cloud seeding is typically used to address drought situations, the World Meteorological Association concluded that “cloud seeding is least likely to be effective during drought conditions” since clouds don’t have enough moisture within them to release. They concluded that since cloud seeding operations continue under such conditions, “the programs serve more of a political purpose than a climactic or meteorological one.”
Cloud seeding can also be used as a weapon of war since the process, in essence, moves rain from one location to another. In fact, China hatched a plan in 2020 called the “Sky River Plan” to divert water vapor from the Yangtze River basin to the Yellow River basin, a cloud-seeding operation that covered an area half the size of India. Without clear policies, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists wrote, “It is likely that the most powerful actors [such as China, the US, and Russia] will benefit at the expense of others.”
Cloud seeding has already had detrimental consequences, including a deadly blizzard in China and severe flooding in the United Kingdom, which have been linked to the process.
In 2017, the World Meteorological Organization published guidelines that advised members “not to perform weather modification activities without considering the high levels of uncertainty in effectiveness and potential harms involved.”
Has cloud seeding contributed to the ridiculous amount of rainfall in New England, turning it into the East Coast version of Seattle? Who knows, but the possibility shouldn’t be ruled out.
326 days ago | Comment by: Bruce
Count me in as a “climate change” denier. We just pulled out of a glacial period and the world seems to think that the weather is warming because of man. Every 4-500 years the climate changes . We have had the Late Roman warming period, the Medieval Warm Period and others. Not our fault. What the 97% of concerned scientists, whomever they are , or how many, if they actually exist, fail to understand this. Think how many millions Al Gore, John Kerry and others have made with this hoax. All we need is for a large volcano to blow its top and we are back to more ice! Nature trumps man every time.
326 days ago | Comment by: David
For having known God, they glorified Him not as God, or were thankful; but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and they changed the glory of the immortal God into a likeness of an image of mortal man and birds and quadrupeds and creeping things.