It's finally happening: Judge orders FBI to turn over evidence in its possession regarding killing of DNC staffer Seth Rich

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WASHINGTON, DC - When former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in July 2016 in Washington, D.C., so-called “conspiracy theories” sprang up surrounding the death. Rich’s murder remains unsolved despite the fact Washington, as the nation’s capital, is loaded with surveillance cameras. As we’ve learned over the past few years, today’s “conspiracy theory” is tomorrow’s factual news. 

One such conspiracy was pushed by what NPR called “figures friendly to former President Trump.” Those theories involved allegations that Rich had stolen thousands of emails and given them to WikiLeaks, ostensibly to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the White House.

As we have seen over the years, anyone who crosses Hillary or Bill Clinton somehow ends up dead. Some of those theories were that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats arranged for Rich’s untimely demise. 

It has long been believed there is more to Rich’s death than a “typical” random Washington, D.C. murder. Now we may be getting closer to the truth. 

As reported in The Liberty Daily, United States District Judge Amos L. Mazzant has ordered the FBI to turn over evidence regarding Rich. 

Up until this order, any information about Rich’s murder has been gleaned through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and has been heavily redacted. That makes it virtually impossible for independent investigators and journalists to use the information for any legitimate purpose. However as it is reported, “it is known that he [Rich] had the means, motive, and intel necessary to be the anonymous leaker” [to Wikileaks]. 

Since Rich was murdered in what was pushed as a “robbery gone bad” via two shots to the back, many people were not buying the narrative being pushed by the FBI. Some theorized, as mentioned above, that Rich was leaking sensitive [Clinton] emails to DCLeaks and WikiLeaks in June and July 2016. 

In fact, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that Rich was the leaker. 

Of course, those theories have been “debunked” by the mainstream (DNC) media, so-called “fact-checkers,” law enforcement, and the Washington, D.C. political elite. However, despite the concerted effort to undermine the robbery narrative (nothing was taken), rumors persist that Rich was a targeted hit. 

Now it appears, thanks to Judge Mazzant, that the truth may be uncovered. As part of his order, the FBI must turn over Rich’s laptop, along with “the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following the issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order” issued Wednesday, Newsweek reported. 

Mazzant’s ruling comes based on the FOIA suit filed by Ty Clevenger, an attorney representing the plaintiff, Brian Huddleston. 

Huddleston initially submitted a FOIA request to the FBI on Sept. 1, 2017, requesting information on Rich’s potential involvement in DNC email leaks that occurred in June 2016. 

Two weeks later, the FBI responded to Huddleston’s request, claiming they were “unable to locate any responsive main files.” However it was later revealed the FBI withheld over 20,000 pages of potentially relevant material, according to Radar Online. 

Out of that trove of pages, 1,596 were directly related to Rich; another 1,496 pages were withheld due to FOIA exemptions. 

Last September, the court entered a Prior Order requiring the FBI and Department of Justice to hand over information it possessed regarding Rich’s laptop and responsive to Huddleston’s FOIA requests. 

In September 2022, the FBI filed a Motion for Clarification, which has now been denied, Newsweek said. The FBI must also furnish “a Vaughn index addressing the information it possesses on the compact disk containing images of Seth Rich’s personal laptop that is responsive to plaintiff’s FOIA requests.” 

Newsweek claimed that after Rich’s death, he was “proven not to be the source of any email leaks” according to the widely panned “Mueller Report,” which claimed it was Russian hackers, not Rich, who allegedly leaked the emails. 

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It looks like the're circling the wagons.


Please look into the fact that Rich did not die on the street but was later perhaps murdered in the hospital. Also that there were automatic weapons used resulting in wounding of one of the "robbers" who was taken in and disappeared. This knowledge may be why Mr. Assange has not been brought to the US fearing his death.

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