The internet is forever: Harris criticized for exaggerating prosecutorial record in 2003 race

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SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Vice President Kamala Harris' liberal interpretation of her prosecutorial record during a 2003 election for San Francisco District Attorney has returned to haunt her according to reporting released Thursday.

As reported by ABC News, a series of mailers distributed in 2003 touted Harris as a prosecutor with "thirteen years of courtroom experience" and referred to her as "the veteran prosecutor we need to turn around our District Attorney office" with a "long track record of being an outstanding public prosecutor."

Sharing the story with ABC News Audio, the Trump War Room noted on X, "Kamala Harris lied about her prosecutorial record over two decades ago — and she’s still lying to this day." Per the ABC exposé, the Harris campaign claimed in the mailer, "Kamala has tried hundreds of serious and violent felonies, including homicide, rape, and child sexual assault cases." 

During a debate, audio presented by ABC from KGO Radio revealed that Harris' opponent at the time, Attorney Bill Fazio, asked her, "How many cases have you tried? Can you tell us how many serious felonies you have tried? Can you tell us one?"

Harris answered, "I've tried about 50 cases, Mr. Fazio, and it's about leadership." Fazio promptly pointed out the discrepancy in her campaign mailer.

"Ms. Harris, why does your information, which is still published, say that you tried hundreds of serious felonies? I think that's misleading. I think that's disingenuous. I think that shows that you are incapable of leadership and you're not to be trusted," Fazio said. "You continue to put out information which says you have tried hundreds of serious felonies." 

Harris deflected, refusing to address Fazio's claim, and replied "leadership, working with different communities as a career prosecutor, I've done that, which is why I, not you, have every law enforcement organization's endorsement." Harris went on to win the 2003 election with 56% of the overwhelmingly Democrat vote in San Francisco.

When reminded of the liberties taken with her record, Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer told ABC, "Vice President Harris oversaw and was involved in the prosecution of hundreds of serious crimes before she was elected District Attorney of San Francisco." He then went on to claim, "For more than a decade, she prosecuted child sexual assault cases, homicides, and robberies in Alameda, before overseeing the career criminal unit and served as the head of division on families and children in the San Francisco District Attorney's office." 
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It's quite obvious that Harris is a pathological LIAR just like Biden ! And then we have Walz, nicknamed "Tampon Tim" because as Governor of Minnesota, he ordered TAMPON DISPENSERS installed in boy's school restrooms ! Quite a DYNAMIC DUO, huh ??

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