Police equipment supplier says cops make 'asses' out of themselves, get away with 'murder, rape, sexual assault, battery'

FAIRMONT, WV - One might think that if you are marketing products to a specific segment of the population, you wouldn’t want to disparage that segment. Take, for example, last year’s debacle involving Bud Light. 

By pandering to a group that made up an infinitesimal percentage of its core demographic while giving its core group a collective middle finger, the former number-one beer brand paid dearly, losing a large segment of its loyal beer drinkers. It is believed that marketing error cost InBev, Bud Light’s owner, an estimated $1.4 billion in sales.  

This brings us to a man named Tony Paulk, owner of Phalanx International. According to its “About Us” page, Phalanx International is a “disabled veteran-owned small business started by a U.S. Marine in 2012.” It claims to specialize “in product development, manufacturing and sale [sic] of ballistic helmets, plates, tactical lights, communications gear and other military/police-related products.” 

The page goes on to brag that their “products are widely recognized and trusted by members of the military, police, & security forces globally…” Unfortunately, Mr. Paulk appears to have some “opinions” about police officers, as posted in a since-deleted Facebook post. 

A post on Police Blotter’s Facebook page published a link to a story about a former Pompton Lakes, N.J. police officer who is suing the borough for $2.5 million after he says he was forced to resign after what he claimed was years of harassment and retaliation due to racial discrimination and union activities. 

In answering a post disparaging the officer’s command staff, Paulk decided to weigh in, however, he must have realized afterward he shot his business in the ass with what he wrote…and it’s a doozy. We have included a screenshot below, but here is his diatribe:

Brian Wendland because the old timers ruined the profession…You can only get away with murder, rape, sexual assault, battery, etc. for so long before the populous catches on to the shit show that is US law enforcement. LE should be doing everything in their power to regain trust from the public, but no they continue to make an ass out of themselves and their fellow officers…Just pop on YouTube, you’ll see some of the fools that make up the ranks.” 

So, Mr. Paulk believes “old timers ruined the profession.” We’d like to ask him, “How so?” How many cops have gotten “away with murder, rape, sexual assault, battery, etc.?” What makes US law enforcement a “shit show?” Do you think the family and colleagues of murdered NYC police officer Jonathan Diller believe law enforcement is a “shit show?”  How about the families and colleagues of other officers killed in the line of duty in 2024, 30 thus far? What about the 136 last year? How about the 378 police officers shot in 2023? Are they part of the “shit show?” 

There are many reputable suppliers of law enforcement equipment who actually support the police. Law Enforcement Today engages with many of these companies, and we would be happy to refer you to those who, in word and deed, are unequivocal supporters of law enforcement. 

To be 100% clear, Law Enforcement Today strongly opposes those men and women who disparage the badge and would be the first to call them out, and we have. Because anyone who tarnishes the badge does so not only for them but for their department, their community, and the over 700,000 men and women who wear the badge in this country.

Worse still, they put the public trust in police officers at risk, something police in 2024 simply cannot afford. While we strongly believe in the Thin Blue Line, we also recognize there is a very small minority that makes the rest look bad. And those are the ones who should be called out. 

By his overgeneralized, ad hominem attack on police officers, Mr. Paulk doesn’t deserve the business police officers might be inclined to give him. We would also argue that if Mr. Paulk holds these beliefs about police officers, it isn’t a stretch to believe he has similar ill feelings toward the military. 

Law Enforcement Today reached out to Mr. Paulk via his company’s website to give him an opportunity to reply to our questions and clarify his remarks. He has not responded to those requests at the time of this writing. 

We do not take lightly calling out a veteran, especially a disabled one. However, Mr. Paulk clearly has some issues with police officers, and as such, we do not hesitate to call him out. Should he respond to our requests, we would happily publish an update with his response. 

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I am in total agreement with LET. I spent 50 years in Law Enforcement starting in 1964 to 2016, and I think his view of us old timers of which I am one, is warped and very distorted to say the least.


I am in total agreement with LET. I spent 50 years in Law Enforcement starting in 1964 to 2016, and I think his view of us old timers of which I am one, is warped and very distorted to say the least.


Maybe Mr Paulk's business should go the same way as Bud. To disparage your customer base, whom I gather the business is quite reliant upon, is a bit of a failure on his behalf.


Not as much a failure as every pig agency in AMERICA .....


Go away snowflake troll.


This is hilarious. I thought you American's were all about free speech? I thought your motto was "I may not agree with your opinion, but I'll fight to the death for your right to have it"? You're police agencies used to be respected and trusted by the public, but now? Not so much. Too many cops now think they serve the politicians, instead of the public they are meant to protect. WVa cops are the WORST! Civil rights lawsuits right and left, and you don't mind paralyzing people by breaking their necks, sucker punching them, pepper spraying them when they're already in handcuffs. You people are delusional if you think history will look on you with reverence.


Well let’s remove that company from the list of approved vendors….and he can sit in the corner with his box of crayons for lunch….


The next time he needs help tell him to call a crack head! I volunteer for HPD in Houston, Texas and Fort Bend County. I actually went to the Citizens Police Academy in both places. I have never found a bad Police person. I have had nothing but perfect friendships with them all. Check out The Citizens Police Academy in your area. It is awesome! It's free and full of all the information you would ever need and friends you would have for life. Mr. Paulk's needs to retire and stay unhappy.


The next time he needs help tell him to call a crack head! I volunteer for HPD in Houston, Texas and Fort Bend County. I actually went to the Citizens Police Academy in both places. I have never found a bad Police person. I have had nothing but perfect friendships with them all. Check out The Citizens Police Academy in your area. It is awesome! It's free and full of all the information you would ever need and friends you would have for life. Mr. Paulk's needs to retire and stay unhappy.


Better make that..."Ex Police Equipment Supplier."


"Disabled veteran" is a nebulous term. Any veteran with a VA adjudicated service connected disability can call him/herself a disabled veteran. Example: a small scar from a cut or puncture rates a 0% evaluation but is a service connected disability. Veterans become disabled after leaving the military. They are nevertheless both disabled AND a veteran. Not saying this guy is or is not significantly disabled due to his military service or what his disabilities are. Just be careful not to assume every guy calling himself a disabled veteran is in a wheelchair after getting blown away in combat. I am a retired DAV National Service Officer and 100% service disabled Marine Corps Vietnam veteran.


Is there anyway to get this article to the National Sheriffs Association and IACP for distribution. This guy does NOT deserve to be in the business of selling law enforcement equipment. This needs to be spread like fertilizer in the law enforcement community. It is very alarming that without any known provocation he posted this demeaning statement. He in the wrong business because he just shot himself in his pocketbook.

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