FINALLY: Left-wing fact-checker SNOPES says claims Trump called neo-Nazis, white supremacists 'very fine people' is FALSE

WASHINGTON, DC - Joe Biden has continually attributed a statement to former President Donald Trump as being the impetus for him deciding to run for president in 2017. Unfortunately for old Joe, even left-leaning fact checkers are claiming that statement is false. 

Just The News reports that Biden’s claim about the following statement allegedly made by President Trump speaking of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 does not comport with reality. 

Biden and other leftists claim that Trump called Nazis and white-supremacists who attended the rally “very fine people,” and have used that to insinuate the former president is himself a white supremacist. The statement has been recycled lately, which led to Snopes declaring claims about his statements are false. 

“Trump did say there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ referring to the protesters and the counter protesters. He said in the same statement he wasn’t talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be ‘condemned totally,’” the fact-checker said.

Trump’s statement has been repeatedly used, with the part establishing context deliberately cut out. After Snopes’ initial post last week, the website was updated with an editor’s note which stated that readers raised concerns about how “the fact check appears to assume Trump was correct,” which Snopes clarified “is not the case.” Snopes said the goal of the fact check was to confirm Trump’s statement, not the accuracy of it. 

Trump and his supporters have for years denied the assertion of Biden, left-wing Democrats and Democrat-supporting media that he was in any way justifying the actions of neo-Nazia and white supremacists at the Charlottesville event. Yet Biden, left-wing Democrats and their complicit media have continued to push the hoax. Biden still repeats the big lie. 

When he released his 2020 campaign announcement video, the first words Biden mentioned were “Charlottesville, Virginia,” Fox News reported

“The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Biden said in the video. “And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”  

The announcement by Snopes will take some of the wind out of Biden’s sails as the two meet for the first of two scheduled presidential debates this coming week. 

Biden is hiding at Camp David during the lead up to the debate, while former President Trump remains on the campaign trail and will head to Atlanta later this week. 

In announcing the fact-check, Snopes agreed that Trump’s statements, which were taken out of context, “spread like wildfire.” 

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