Leftist journalist who mocked Scott Adams’ predictions about increased murders killed in his home

Josh Kruger by is licensed under
PHILADELPHIA, PA – In an unsettling twist of irony, a 39-year-old journalist who’d mocked Dilbert creator Scott Adams’ past assertion that a Biden presidency would likely result in increased homicides was reportedly murdered inside of his own home, apparently two days after mocking Adams’ past comments.

According to a local report from ABC 6, Philadelphia-based journalist Josh Kruger was found dead inside of his home during the early morning hours of October 2nd.

Police say the victim had been shot at least seven times while inside of his home located off the 2300 block of Watkins Street at approximately 1:30 a.m., dying roughly 45 minutes later after being rushed over to Penn Presbyterian Hospital.

Authorities have yet to share any possible motive in the case, nor have any suspects been arrested or publicly identified.

Kruger was known throughout his community, as well as by those who followed him on social media, as being an activist/advocate for left-leaning causes. With the aforementioned in mind, it’s hardly surprising that Kruger would engage in the periodic mocking/trolling of whom he perceived as his political opposites.

One such person that Kruger opted to mock online was Dilbert creator Scott Adams, an individual who isn’t exactly a fan of the current administration and who came under fire earlier in 2023 after expressing skepticism toward the notion that multiculturalism is a net positive for all involved.

On September 30th, two days before he was murdered, Kruger poked fun at a post shared to X (formerly Twitter) by Adams where the author and illustrator wrote back in 2020, “If Biden is elected, there's a good chance you will be dead within the year.” Kruger went on to caption the quoted post with, “The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie.”

While Kruger obviously wasn’t slain within a year’s time since Biden took office, there’s still a unsettling amount of irony that the journalist who mocked the concept of violent crime becoming more commonplace under a Biden administration would fall victim to a fatal violent crime a mere two days later.

Adams is clearly aware of the untimely death of Kruger, having shared the now infamous post the late journalist made on October 2nd with a caption that read, “I had to look for his Ukraine flag in the bio to know he doesn’t realize how right I was.”

The author and illustrator addressed the matter again hours later after various journalists began sharing posts on social media pertaining to the disturbing coincidence, writing, “I have an alibi.”

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Oh my.


Someone sure wanted him dead! Any motive yet? I’m guessing he didn’t own a gun. Too bad because he might still be alive.

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