LET endorses Colorado Congressional Candidate John Fabbricatore

Law Enforcement Today is proud to announce the endorsement of Colorado Congressional Candidate John Fabbricatore.

"I'm running to secure America," Fabbricatore's website reads. With his values listed as securing America, strengthening our economy, simplifying our government, and taking care of our veterans, seniors, children, it makes the choice simple.

"It is my belief that if we just enforce what is in the Immigration Nationality Act," Fabbricatore said in an interview with the Constitutional Rights PAC, "we could shut the border down...This administration is definitely not doing that. They're doing everything counter to what is in the Immigration Nationality Act, and it's making this country very unsafe."

"National defense, a strong military, and a secure border are essential for protecting our nation. I strongly believe in enforcing immigration laws within our country," Fabbricatore states on his website. "Rebuilding our economy starts with bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States. Invest in America first, focusing on rebuilding our infrastructure and becoming energy independent through responsible drilling. Secure and strengthen our supply chain, ensuring we never have to rely on foreign countries during emergencies.

"Our government should work efficiently and effectively.  Streamline and de-regulate when appropriate, simplifying the tax code and reducing waste within the IRS. Restructure government agencies, such as the Department of Education. Re-focus the ATF on tackling gang crime and weapons theft instead of unnecessary regulations. Immediately address the rampant fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer dollars by government agencies and contractors, ensuring proper oversight of their budgets.

"Create a thriving and prosperous homeland for future generations by ensuring the security and well-being of America."

Fabbricatore started his service to America as security police in the US Air Force. He continued his service all the way until retiring in 2022 as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Enforcement Removal Operations (ERO) Field Director. He's served the country in many ways for over 30 years.

"The number one priority for our future is making sure that our children have the knowledge that they need, the right knowledge, the right history lessons," he said during an interview, "...so when they graduate high school, they can go into society and be productive members of society and good patriots, not what we are giving them now, which is messing them up beyond what we can repair."

Note: This is NOT a paid "endorsement".  Law Enforcement Today has begun the process of weeding through candidates that support law and order in America that align with the Constitutional values of our organization.  This candidate fits exactly the kind of person we're looking for to help lead our nation.
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Is he a Republican or a DemocRAT ?


REPUBLICAN. I should know. I was his FTO at INS/ICE.


REPUBLICAN. I should know. I was his FTO at INS/ICE.


Isn't is a sad statement that law and order, once the staple of a civilized society, has been called racist, classist, and demeaning. To who? The poor, of ANY color, need law and order as much as the wealthy. We have to VOTE for LE DA's Judges and government.


I have known John for his entire career with legacy INS and with ICE which replaced INS Enforcement. He is an outstanding American patriot, one who knows how to lead and how to inspire. I must've taught him something since I was his FTO. He needs ALL of our support if he is to win.

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