Louder With Crowder exposé reveals NYC Senior Medical Advisor's COVID debauchery and insanity

NEW YORK, NY - The MugClub Undercover unit, a group of investigative reporters for Louder with Crowder (LwC), released a video exposé Thursday that uncovered the wildly deviant, at-the-time illegal, and shockingly hypocritical COVID-lockdown activities of Dr. Jay Varma. Dr. Varma was the Senior Health Advisor to former New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and architect of the city's COVID-19 response and vaccination mandate.

Worse still, Varma's comments demonstrate that the health official knowingly put ineffective measures in place and called for brutally strict enforcement.

The video begins with an undercover reporter with the LwC team being heard while visually blurred speaking with Varma, narrated by host and owner Steven Crowder. 

"So I want you to take yourself back to March of 2020, okay?" the reporter says. "Mentally. The beginning of the COVID pandemic. Right? The streets of New York City looked like a dystopian sci-fi movie. Albeit with less charm and more hobo urine, more than normal for New York City. Now it was even worse than the rest of the country thousands of businesses were forced to close millions of New Yorkers lost their jobs overnight and loved ones were forced to die alone in quarantine and the man you're about to meet is responsible for all of it Dr. Jay Varma."

Following Crowder's introduction, viewers were treated to Dr. Varma recounting his role in the De Blasio administration with braggadocio and taking proud responsibility for engineering the lockdown and vaccination policies of the city. 

“I actually was the one who convinced the Mayor [De Blasio] to make it [Covid Vaccine] a mandate," he said.

Varma continued, "Well, I had actually been talking to him [de Blasio] about it since even before the vaccines were available. I was like, you're going to have to do it this way and so he came up with this metaphor that we're going to climb this ladder. We're going to first start voluntarily and then we're going to be pushing it."

His admission to deliberately causing New Yorkers to be "uncomfortable" enough to get the vaccine was made in a jocular, bemused tone. "So the way we do it in public health is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated. With vaccines it's like, you can't get a job, you can't go to a restaurant, kids can't go to school. It's like 'F*** I'm just going to get vaccinated.' You 'force' people by making it really uncomfortable... The whole idea is like you build barriers so that people are like 'F*** this. I'm just going to do it because I'm tired of being harassed.'"

As reported on LouderWithCrowder.com, Varma confessed to the reporter that he participated in large sex parties during the height of the lockdown. “I had to be kind of sneaky about it [sex party] ... I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel...we all took like, you know, Molly [Ecstasy/MDMA] and it was... eight to 10 of us in a room and everybody had a blast because everybody was like so pent up because like everybody was stuck together and stuff like that. And sometimes it isn't so much about like penetrative sexual stuff. Some of it is just something about, like... bodies being close to each other. Just being naked with friends,” he explained.

“I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was, you know, like on TV [press conferences] and stuff,” he boasted, noting that a dance party he attended was far greater in size than was allowed under the city's restrictive regulations at the time, at approximately 200 people.

He described his exploits as being explicitly against the very restrictions that he engineered in the City government telling the reporter, “We went to some like, underground dance party…underneath a bank on Wall Street…We were all rolling…” He added specifically, "This was not Covid friendly."

Later in the interview, Dr. Varma discussed the concept of naturally acquired immunity to the virus, a hotly debated counterargument to mandatory vaccination, revealing his true view that natural exposure and the vaccine created "the same immune response," in a stunning reversal from official COVID policy.

"Everybody's been exposed to the virus," he explained. "Whether you're exposed to the virus because it was breathed on you, or because you got injected into you it's the same immune response."

During the incognito interview, Varma told the reporter that he didn't "go crazy" during the lockdowns for a simple reason: he was in control. "I think the reason I didn't is because I felt like I had control. It was getting done to [the public, but], it's like, I was the one making the decisions about what happened."

Stressing the theme of control, Varma even laughed about preventing Brooklyn Nets player Kyrie Irving from playing for the NBA. “Because the vaccine mandate that I passed, he [Kyrie Irving] was not allowed to play...And so it became this huge national issue about why Kyrie Irving wasn't allowed to play basketball, because he was refusing to get vaccinated..." 

He would describe the moment while New Yorkers' lives were thrown into disarray, with loved ones dying alone in nursing homes and businesses shuttered, "Like this is a fun part of my life."

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