Majority of Americans think Biden is instigating a civil war in Texas...including nearly 40% of Democrats

We don’t yet know if this is a “Fort Sumter” moment or not, however, the standoff between the state of Texas and the federal government seemingly has many Americans believing there is a civil war of sorts going on in the country. And they lay the blame squarely on the decrepit shell of a man in the White House, Joe Biden. And that is without most of them knowing that Biden has economically retaliated against the (US) citizens of the Lone Star State. More on that shortly. 

According to the American Thinker, Rasmussen Reports recently conducted a poll where Americans were asked questions about the standoff in Texas, as reported in the Washington Examiner. The results are astounding. 

According to the poll: 

"…69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of gotaways getting past federal border agents...

"A majority of voters told Rasmussen Reports that Biden is stoking the fires of civil war. 

"Asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?’” 55% said they agreed, while 36% said they didn’t. 

"Over three-fourths of Republicans agreed that Biden’s threat is hurtling the country to civil war. Democrats were less sure, though 39% agreed."

Reread those numbers. These were not all “MAGA Republican extremists” who believe Abbott is right and Biden is wrong. Thirty-nine percent of Democrats agree that Biden is trying to provoke a civil war. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. Despite White House mouthpieces Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby bloviating about needing Congressional approval to shut off the flow at the border, that is an outright lie. Biden could shut off the flow in an hour if he simply reimplemented Trump-era border policies, which he overturned on day one of his reign. But sadly, Biden cares more about the Ukrainian border and Russia’s invasion over that border than he does about OUR border and the INVASION into OUR country. 

Why should Americans be concerned? Since January 20, 2021, the Biden administration has allowed an estimated 10 million illegal aliens into the United States, including a number of those on the FBI’s terror watch list. It is unknown how many occupants of that list entered the country without being detected. Recently, a group of former FBI officials warned of a “new and imminent danger” at the southern border, as reported in Law Enforcement Today. 

Biden and his team of clowns and brain-dead idiots claim Biden is acting lawfully, claiming that everyone crossing the border is claiming asylum. Unfortunately for taxpaying citizens, making an asylum claim is easier than getting dysentery from overeating Taco Bell.

Under the asylum process, people can come to our country if "They have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion." 

In other words, anyone wanting to come to the United States under the above “standards” can claim they are being persecuted, a purely subjective standard. To make matters worse, the Biden regime wants to expand asylum claims to include those fleeing so-called “climate change.” 

Asylum claims are, of course, absurd. Many of these “migrants” come from South and Central American countries. They could claim asylum in the first “free” country they enter. But why do that when the Biden administration has the “Welcome” sign virtually posted at the border? 

The other issue is many of these “asylum” seekers have no interest in assimilating to our way of life. Many arrive here flying the flag of the country that was “persecuting” them, which is laughable. The far-left definition of persecution, the American Thinker piece notes, has been “dumbed down…to the point at which it simply means, ‘I want a better life in America.’” 

Texas and other states have asked…no begged the federal government and the Biden administration to do something, as their states are invaded by thousands of illegals daily. Yet Biden has refused to do anything, instead playing politics by blaming “MAGA Republicans” for not passing “comprehensive immigration reform,” code word for amnesty and an open border. This is despite the fact Biden had BOTH houses of Congress in his first two years. Given Biden’s cognitive state, he probably doesn’t remember that. 

So Gov. Abbott did the only thing he could do…put the safety and security of Texas residents in the hands of the state. Abbott ordered the placement of razor wire on the state’s border with Mexico. 

So interested in securing the border was Biden that he had his Department of Justice sue Texas to allow the feds to remove the razor wire, ostensibly to protect the border. Unfortunately, a federal court ruled in the DOJ’s favor, and the case was appealed to the Supreme Court. 

Led by turncoat “conservative” justices Roberts and Coney-Barrett, the high court ruled the feds could remove the razor wire. However, they did not rule that Texas could not simply put it back up, which Abbott has vowed to do, with support from nearly every Republican governor in the country. 

What Biden did next is unconscionable. He decided to “wage war” on the Texas liquid natural gas (LNG) industry, which is a significant part of the Texas economy, by banning further permitting of LNG exports:

Nobody in the White House seems to understand that countries sign long-term contracts years in advance so they can plan their energy infrastructure and needs. They won’t build new gas plants or import terminals without supply locked in–or they will turn to more reliable sources. Russia now looks like a more reliable energy source than the U.S. 

Much of the supply from LNG projects in the works is slated for Asia. They would strengthen U.S. relationships and influence in the region to counter China. Xi Jinping no doubt is elated by the Administration’s pause, which will do more damage to U.S. strategic interests than blocking the Keystone XL pipeline. 

Re-election imperatives have partly restrained the President’s attack on fossil fuels in his first term, but don’t expect the same in a second. Recall how the Federal Energy Regulatory CZOmmission in early 2022 backtracked on a plan to conduct greenhouse gas analyses for natural gas pipelines and export projects after West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin raised a ruckus. 

But Mr. Manchin is retiring, and Mr. BIden won’t need to worry about him in a second term. Nor will he have to heed voters in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin…

Texas has the largest LNG operations in the U.S., so BIden’s action against that fuel can be seen as nothing less than retaliation against Abbott and Texas for standing up to Biden’s tyranny. Oh, Biden and his leftist lunatic cronies claim the action is being taken to curb “climate change.” But the timing is highly suspect. Along with the fact that it is “one of the most benign sources of energy,” The American Thinker said. 

According to a piece in the Daily Caller, the Biden administration is apparently taking its energy advice from a 25-year-old TikTok “influencer named Alex Haraus, who organized a campaign to quash a major natural gas project, according to the New York Times. That shouldn’t come as a surprise since the administration seems to take much of its advice from a litany of freaks and phonies. 

Hammering Texas’ LNG exports is part of a long-time strategy first concocted during the Obama regime. It fulfills that purpose along with punishing Texas for having the audacity to stand up for Oatmeal for Brains Biden. 

First concocted under Obama, the plan was to enter into a LNG partnership with Ukraine and China. Biden was, of course, looking to enrich his and his family’s pocketbook, while Obama was looking to “crate reservoirs of economic power over the direction of industry, held by regulators and their privileged cronies.” 

So, in other words, Biden is using the situation at the border to implement “the Obama policy regarding controlling LNG in a way that benefits China and other global players.” Due to the current situation in Ukraine, it is not a player for the time being. 

So, is the situation in Texas a Fort Sumter moment? Only time will tell. 

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DeSantis announced he is sending 1,000 Florida Nation Guard troops to help Texas. NY and other states should follow his lead.


Biden is instigating a Civil War against the constitution and all conservatives. Anyone who doesn’t agree with them.


It may very well start in Texas but spread as fast as the wokeism and the 15 days to slow the spread... how did that work out...


I'm from the coal regions of Pennsylvania and my Uncle in 1916 was sent to the Mexican border to protect this country from Pancho Villa, Sent to El Paso, Texas. This included many states sending troops to the border Go and declaring war on the Cartels and the Mexican government for allowing them to get this far


I'm from the coal regions of Pennsylvania and my Uncle in 1916 was sent to the Mexican border to protect this country from Pancho Villa, Sent to El Paso, Texas. This included many states sending troops to the border Go and declaring war on the Cartels and the Mexican government for allowing them to get this far

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