High school basketball team forfeits game after male 'transgender girl' injures three female players

LOWELL, MA -  A male high school basketball player who claims to be a female, playing for KIPP Academy in Lynn, MA, injured three female players during a game with The Collegiate Charter School of Lowell resulting in the team's forfeit early this month. 

According to Fox News, the score at halftime stood at 31-14 with KIPP leading. However, the game will go on the record as a 10-0 defeat due to the forfeiture.

University of Kentucky competitive swimmer and women's sports advocate Riley Gaines shared a video of the male student completely overpowering the female athletes seemingly throwing one aside with ease, injuring her. Gaines suggested in her comment that under ordinary circumstances, "a man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it's called brave."

She commented, "Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit. A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it's called brave. Who watches this & actually thinks this is 'compassionate, kind, and inclusive'?"

Many commentators have expressed serious concerns for the safety of the female players, particularly noting the injured player shown in the video grasping her back in evident pain. The male player clearly towers over the females against whom he's playing, standing at six feet tall. According to sources who spoke to Fox News anonymously, the male student also wears facial hair.

According to ItemLive, KIPP school officials have refused to confirm the male student's "gender identification." The outlet cited the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, the state's governing body for high school athletics, handbook, which states,
"A student shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team that is consistent with the student’s bona fide gender identity."

In a statement, Collegiate Charter School said that they “support this decision" and reiterates its "values of both inclusivity and safety for all students.” The statement explains the decision by coach Kevin Ortins, saying, "The bench was already depleted going into the game with the 12-player roster having four players unable to play. When the coach saw three more girls go down in the first half leaving him with five players, he made the call to end the game early."

The statement noted, "Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him (the coach) about continuing to play. The players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs."
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"bona fide gender identity". Is that defined? Contentious and nuanced terms are typically defined in many areas of the law. This one should be challenged. Curious, how many females try to identify as male sports players? Odd imbalance, isn't it?


You're being credulous, Edward. The pretense of gender equality is not intended to create gender equality. The goal is government control: governmental patriarchs creating harems of weak and credulous feminist busybodies to middle-manage the administrative leviathan. The patriachs create these political harems through the Marxist agitprop of bypassing, among other things, the fact that women manifestly do not belong in law enforcement, military, lawyering, physicianship, ....powerlifting, ... cage fighting, etc.


just a matter of time before vigilante parents engage. time to lawyer up


Your fantasy: these fathers and mothers cannot even man up or woman up enough to forbid their feminist daughter from wasting her youth poorly mimicking men's sports -- but they will be man enough or woman enough to step in and demand that their degenerate feminist daughter should be protected from the transcult consequences of the degenerate feminist wanting to waste her prime reproductive years poorly mimicking men's sports. Not going to happen, Harri. Meanwhile, these bad parents deserve their injured feminist daughters.


Why would anyone want to watch such arrogance?! This is worse than un-regulated wrestling. And we subject our student/children to this punishment under the quise of inclusivity.....Let's get back to basic civility!


Meanwhile, "women's sports" is nothing besides an arrogant rejection of the natural world. Women should be getting married and pregnant in their teens and early twenties -- not poorly mimicking men's sports.


It’s easy…a male needs to step in, step up, and protect these girls. A good ole azz woopin with submission and agreement to NEVER play in FEMAL/GIRL/WOMEN/XX sport EVER again. If that were my daughter, the police would have to forcefully remove me from his dead body.


It's easy: a male needs to step in, step up, and tells these feminist degenerates that gender equality is a fraud, and that women do not belong in sports. If that were your daughter, then you already failed to man up and talk sense to her. Meanwhile, acting tough only to the consequences for degenerate feminist daughter: this will never be enough.


The alliance between radical feminism and transgenderism has turned out very badly for women. It's been a remarkably short road from the beginning of Title IX sports opportunities for young women, to this brutal assertion of a perverse male superiority. Just remember who got you to this place, girls: the revolutionaries who promised you equality have delivered you over to oppression based on a casual invocation of an undefined "bona fide gender identity."


Almost there, Bob. Just change "perverse" to "natural": It's been a remarkably short road from the beginning of Title IX sports opportunities for young women, to this brutal assertion of natural male superiority. There are no "sports opportunities for young women" besides bad parents lying to their daughters about the daughters' natural physical limitations. Meanwhile, you are pretending to have forgotten that the feminist cult, like the transcult, is based on misogynistic fraud of gender equality.


Perhaps a third sports classification is needed: Men's. Women's. Psychopath's.


Nope. Just one classification: sports. And no mediocre subclassifications, such as "women's sports," which literally just means women who are not good enough to play against men. After all, if a woman could play even decently in, say, the NBA: without a doubt, she would be a multibillionaire. But "gender equality" -- rather, equality of the sexes -- is a fraud. So, the pseudo-scientific searches continue among the communist patriarchs who infest the US: searches for a "gay gene;" for a biological basis for the fraud of "autism;" for evidence of "gender equality" at anytime, anywhere; and so forth.


Men in wigs should not be playing against women in competitive sports -- because women should not be playing competitive sports. Fake conservatives need to get their wives and daughters in order.


Keep voting democrat.


ALL GIRLS TEAMS SHOULD FORFEIT before the game... DO NOT LET THAT GUY Play 4 one minute !


We need every girl's team that is forced to play against another team that fields a biological male on the team to immediately forfeit under protest. I don't care if it's basketball, football, soccer, badmitton, volleyball, or tiddlywinks ... enough is enough, and it wont stop until the idiots in charge stop the insanity.

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