Marine Corps veteran removed from flight, forced to change shirt over what they deemed to be 'threatening'

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - A woman, who is a 22-year veteran of the United States Marines, was reportedly removed from a Delta flight before being ordered to change clothes after a flight attendant ruled that the passenger's shirt, which brought attention to those in the military who have taken their own lives, was "threatening."

According to the New York Post, Catherine Banks was onboard the Delta flight at San Francisco International Airport to visit family when she wore her dark gray outfit and sat in her extra-legroom seat that she paid extra for. The shirt read, "Do Not Give In To The War Within. End Veteran Suicide."

A male flight attendant approached Banks, who was confused when he tried to get her attention. Banks told KNTV that the man said, "Ma'am, ma'am. I looked around, like, 'Who was he talking to?' And it was me. He said, 'You need to get off the plane,' and I was like, 'What did I do?'" Banks complied and was then escorted off the plane and onto the jet bridge where she finally learned why she was removed.

She said, "He said that shirt you're wearing is threatening. I said, 'Are you kidding me?""

Before explaining that she was a veteran, Banks questioned the Delta employee. She said, "I'm a Marine Corps vet. I'm going to see my Marine sister. I've been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I'm going to visit her." However, her explanation did nothing to change the flight attendant's mind. He then issued her an ultimatum to return to the plane. 

Banks recalled him saying, "I don't care about your service and I don't care about her service. The only way you're going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now."

Banks, who was braless underneath her shirt, told the flight attendant to turn around so she could remove the "threatening" shirt and replace it with a sweatshirt. The shirt is sold by the Til Valhalla Project as part of the "22 day collection," which brings awareness to the estimated 22 veterans who commit suicide each day in this country.

Suicides among active-duty military members are reportedly at an all-time high since 9/11, when the records of such incidents began. According to data published in 2021, over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 have died by suicide, compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same 20 years.

Banks said that her shirt was a symbol of the work she does helping her fellow veterans and having it removed caused her to be humiliated. She said, "I feel like they just took my soul away. I'm not a bad person and that T-shirt, I should be allowed to support myself and veterans." After Banks did what the flight attendant asked her to do, she was brought back on the plane, but seated in the back instead of the seat for which she paid for; that seat had been given to another passenger.

According to the airline, Delta can refuse to transport passengers if their "conduct, attire, hygiene, or order creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers." In a statement to the Post, a Delta spokesperson said, "The matter with the customer has been resolved. We appreciate her patience as we continue to work to understand what occurred during this event. Most importantly, we are thankful for her service to our country."
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The flight attendant needs to answer for his mistake or be sent back to school so he can comprehend what he is reading!


This is absolutely infuriating , what country are we living in. I'm glad I don't fly because if it happened to me I would go crazy on that idiot!


Michael, I agree with you! It would have set me off if that flight attendant would have treated me the way he treated Catherine Banks! Unfortunately, I would likely have been banned from the flight, and possibly arrested! He needs to go to be gone! Delta's weak and pitiful response, "The matter with the customer has been resolved. We appreciate her patience as we continue to work to understand what occurred during this event. Most importantly, we are thankful for her service to our country." Is way too little, too late!


Delta Airlines is DEI and woke! All of their policies and procedures are geared that way.


In what reality is that shirt AT ALL "offensive"? Good grief, only a moron who can't read or comprehend what they read would consider that shirt "threatening" in any way, shape, or form. Are airlines only hiring absolutely illiterate morons these days?


What county are we living in , I hope she gets an attorney and sues the airline. This is a matter of freedom of expression and there's nothing offensive about the shirt!


This Veteran's blood is boiling after reading the article! That flight attendant needs to be fired for his callused disrespect for a Veteran and his ignorance about Veteran suicide. Delta Airlines is a disgrace to Veterans, and as a Vet, I will personally do everything I can to never fly Delta Airlines again! They are a shameful garbage airline!


Policies of that type need consensus, such as from the captain or co-pilot. Employees just don't have the experience and training to make those kinds of pronouncements. Best of luck with a lawsuit!


Makes me want to fly on any airline other than Delta.


There should be an opening at Delta for a Flight Attendant, as the one making this call should have been fired !


I will not be flying DEI DELTA !


Male/frisco/stewardess/harris continuing to drop in airline, discrimination against a Veteran WM, a Woman Marine of Twenty-Two years, should cost that boy his job. Please inform when the wannbe air marshall has been terminated. Meanwhile, we'll happily pay more to fly with a competing airline. Do better, much better!


You fools are risking your lives wrecklessly flying commercial air ....


Sue the airline and the flight attendant. You will win. We are suffering the consequences of dumbed down people that are produced by our worthless public indoctrination system, pushed by Marxist's. Thank a teacher.


Sus the airline and the flight attendant, then fire him/her.


Sus the airline and the flight attendant, then fire him/her.

jo ann

What’s the matter with Delta. Are they hiring morons? They now are at the bottom of my airline list to book.

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