As the mainstream media is overrun with stories about the impeachment hearings of President Trump, Democrats attempting to disarm a nation of patriots and headlines of a country where our Law Enforcement Officers are being targeted as the enemy, we at Law Enforcement Today have been paying close attention to the candidates that our throwing their names in the ring to run for different political offices. While anyone can run for office, not every candidate is created equal. Our focus during campaign seasons for Law Enforcement Today is to find those candidates that stand in support of the men and women in law enforcement and are not afraid to let that be known. One candidate in particular that stands out to us is Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene, a Christian conservative whose slogan is “Save America, Stop Socialism”. She is currently running for GA 14 congressional seat currently held by the retiring U.S. Rep. Tom Graves, R-Ranger. [caption id="attachment_94970" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Marjorie Greene[/caption] Greene makes it no secret that she is one of the most pro-law enforcement, pro-gun, pro-life and pro-Trump candidates currently running in all the nation. These aren’t just words that are printed on a page for Greene, they are morals that she lives by. Greene’s roots run deep in Georgia. She was born and raised in the “Peach State”, went to school there and graduated from the University of Georgia with her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She and her husband Perry have been married for 24 years, and have three beautiful children Lauren, Taylor and Derek who they also chose to raise in Georgia. Greene and her husband also own the successful Taylor Commercial construction and renovation company, which Greene grew up working in. [caption id="attachment_94971" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Marjorie Greene[/caption] “I bought my father’s construction company in 2002 and expanded our work to 11 different states. My company has created thousands of jobs over the past 17 years. I also opened and grew a thriving gym called CrossFit Passion in my district,” she said. She’s a proud supporter of law enforcement, and the second amendment and strongly against Red Flag Laws. With our nation in turmoil over legislators attempting to legislate firearms right out of the hands of lawful gun owners, and a war on our law enforcement community – Greene is exactly the candidate that is needed right now. “I am a huge supporter of all law enforcement not only in my community, but nationwide,” she said. “As a business owner, and a Mom of three kids, I am very grateful to our police for keeping our community safe.” Greene understands what the men and women of law enforcement are facing on a daily basis and she wants to work hard to change the current state of our nation. [caption id="attachment_94972" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Marjorie Greene[/caption] “In today’s climate of anti-American and anti-police sentiment coming from the left, we are seeing an unprecedented hate for our brave men and women who are called to the honorable line of duty which is law enforcement,” she said. She attributes much of this anti-American and anti-police rhetoric to the top Democrats of our nation including Nancy Pelosi and the Squad members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan - none of whom have Georgia or its residents on their priority lists. “With destructive vocal influencers like Nike sponsored anti-flag failed NFL quarter back Colin Kaepernick, radical billionaire leftist George Soros Open Society subsidizing and stoking hatred for ICE and Border Patrol, and anti-American Communist House Rep Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who demonizes ICE, Homeland Security, and harasses Border Patrol, now more than ever we need elected leaders who will take a stand for our nation’s men and women in law enforcement,” she said. Greene also recognizes the dangers in the implementation of “Red Flag Laws”, both to law enforcement as well as law abiding gun owners. If you are unfamiliar with what this law entails here is the definition provided by Wikipedia: [caption id="attachment_94973" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Marjorie Greene[/caption] “In the United States, a red flag law is a gun control law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question. Refusal to comply with the order is punishable as a criminal offense. After a set time, the guns are returned to the person from whom they were seized unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.” With the implementation of these Red Flag Laws popping up all over the United States, many law-abiding gun owners are pressing for their own lawmakers and law enforcement personnel to propose 2A sanctuaries.
Georgia is no exception. Recognizing the ongoing 2A law battles that are occurring to their neighbors in the north in Virginia recently, many Georgia gun owners are starting to come together to make a push for their own 2A sanctuaries. [caption id="attachment_94974" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Marjorie Greene[/caption] Recently Greene attended a 2A sanctuary rally in her district and had this to say to those in attendance regarding the need for law makers to respect the Constitution; “As the next US Representative from Northwest Georgia l pledge to NEVER vote for gun control. *No Red Flags *No Mag Bans *No Semi Auto Bans *No so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" *No Gun Registration *REPEAL Gun Free Zones. I'm disgusted watching hate America leftists like AOC, Omar, Tlaib and The Socialist Squad spew their hate about our country. I'm tired of seeing our side play defense. I will go on offense, take the fight to them in Washington, DC, and fight for our pro-American values.”
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[caption id="attachment_94975" align="alignnone" width="600"]Why do we feel that Greene is the right fit for the job? Because she cares about the things that matter to so many of us. “I’m nobody special, I’m just an American and I’m a business owner, and I just I decided it’s time to stand up and speak out for the Angel Families, for our nation’s purity, and our veterans, and our law enforcement.” Greene stated.Marjorie Greene[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_94976" align="alignnone" width="600"]“If my district elects me, I will be one of the most Pro Law Enforcement Representatives in the United States House of Representatives.” And frankly, that’s what we need right now.Marjorie Greene[/caption]
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