Man who led Black Lives Matter protest arrested on child pornography charges: held without bail

Black Lives Matter by Nicole Baster is licensed under Unsplash
JACKSON, NH- Chris DeVries, 37, of Jackson New Hampshire, who led the Black Lives Matter protests in New Hampshire last month, has been indicted on child pornography charges. According to the Washington Examiner, DeVries led a protest back on June 21 called "Skate Away the Hate," which encouraged participants to ride skateboards down a local highway to show support for the Black Lives Movement. In a statement to the Conway Daily Sun, DeVries said: "If we divest funds from police and prison systems, we can all benefit. Those funds can go to local communities and social services."

At the protest, DeVries spoke through a bullhorn and listed off a number of demands that came from local chapters of Black Lives Matter.

According to Jackson Police Chief Chris Perley, DeVries has been charged with six counts of possessing child sexual abuse images, one count of possession of psilocybin mushrooms, and one count of falsifying physical evidence. Perley told the Sun on Monday: "I can't comment on this case specifically or Mr. DeVries as he is a charged criminal defendant pending adjudication and presumed innocent until proven guilty." He added: "But, I can say that generally speaking, people should be very cautious about listening to voices suggesting defunding the police because their motives are not always in the best interest of society."

Allegedly, the falsifying physical evidence complaint says that DeVries threw his cellphone from the porch when law enforcement arrived. The child abuse images show underage girls either in "lewd exhibition" of private parts or engaging in sexual activity. Police said a forensic examiner with Internet Crimes Against Children found more than 60 images of child sexual abuse.

According to authorities, all complaints against DeVries were signed by Carroll County Attorney Michaela Adruzzi. On Monday, after his arrest, DeVries entered a "not guilty" plea at a hearing that was held remotely. Currently, he is being held without bail. Belknap County Superior Court Judge James O'Neil III presided while Andruzzi represented the state and Paul Garrity of Paul J. Garrity Law Officers in Londonderry represented DeVries.  Judge O'Neil approved an agreement in which DeVries would be held without bail for the time being.

This was done with the understanding that DeVries could have another bail hearing at a later date. According to Perley's probably cause statement, DeVries admitted to viewing and sharing child pornography and also that the mushrooms were used as drugs. The Jackson Police Department and other police agencies executed a search warrant for DeVries home on Wilson Road at 11:45 a.m. on Friday after tips were received by the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. The warrant was issued by a Cheshire County Superior Court Judge.

According to state law, each child pornography charge is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a $4,000 fine. The drug and evidence charges are punishable by up to seven years in prison. Included with the Jackson Police Department, the following other departments participated in the search: ICAC Task Force from the Cheshire and Grafton County Sheriff's Office, detectives from Plymouth Police Department, Carroll County Sheriff's Office, and Conway Police Department.  Authorities said that the case remains active and ongoing. Anyone with any information is encouraged to call Chief Perely at 603-383-9292.

Here's more on those looking to defund the police.  Never in our wildest dreams could we imagine how totally radical some Democrats have gone. While we have seen over the years concerted efforts to totally eviscerate things such as the Second Amendment, nobody could have predicted that they would take such an effort to absurd levels. No longer do we have to wonder what kind of abject stupidity they could envision next.

In light of one police officer using ridiculously bad judgment, in fact one officer doing something unspeakable which was condemned universally in law enforcement circles, we now have Democrat politicians, who have not condemned the rioting and violence that have overtaken the country in the past 10 or so days wanting to either defund, or in some cases abolish police departments. If any Democrats have condemned the violence that has destroyed cities such as Minneapolis, New York, Chicago and others, we haven’t heard it. What we have heard, however are calls to defund police agencies.

In Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti, who threatened to have people arrested for being on dry sand at beaches, has said that he is eliminating proposed increases to the LAPD budget, and would double down on that by cutting $150 million dollars from their budget…maybe more. There have been proposals in New York to significantly cut the NYPD budget by upwards of 15%  in a city that has seen hundreds of officers injured, some critically while dealing with cowards running them down with cars, shooting at them, slashing them with knives and other assaults.

That recommendation by the way came from the city’s comptroller, who seemingly forgot about 9/11. According to CBS New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio (when he’s not getting his daughter out of jail for rioting) agreed to some cuts to the NYPD budget, which would direct funds to youth initiatives and social services. So, who is asking for police to be defunded? Well, there are Hollywood hypocrites, who live in gated communities with paid bodyguards, such as Natalie Portman. Or how about radical, anti-Semitic congresswomen like Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)? Then we have sympathizers, such as the queen of radical pandemic lockdowns, Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)?

Of course, we have the congressional bartender, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) seeking defunding of the police as well. Not happy with defunding the police? How about gun confiscation? Here are some self-important people who want to come and take guns away from law-abiding gun owners. Joe Biden (D) when he wakes up from a nap long enough is one. Of course, let’s not forget Robert Francis (Beto) O’Rourke (D), who threatened that he’s “coming for” AR-15’s, that is when he’s not cruising around on a skateboard. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VI) has signed into law some of the most draconian gun laws in the country.

Now, there are some in the country who don’t believe that the idea of abolishing the Second Amendment or even the police is even possible. However, as John Nolte opined in Breitbart News, look at some heretofore “impossible” proposals put forth by the Democrats, the Hollywood radicals, and the mainstream media that have not come to fruition: -Zero to gay marriage in less than ten years -Zero to drag queen story hour “in about ten seconds” -Media or conservative are getting blacklisted for referring to biological men as “he” -Mainstream media is portraying the burning and looting of cities as “political speech.”

-The same media described peaceful protests by the Tea Party and the people protesting to open up the economy as “dangerous” and “violent.” -Lego blacklisted ads for its own toys, such as those portraying police -The NFL has now backed down about player protests led by failed 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, with Commissioner Roger Goodell saying the league was “wrong” about the protests about “systematic oppression of black people,” so apparently the NFL is willing to piss off nearly half of its fan base

-Speaking of football, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was excoriated for expressing his personal opinion that because his grandfathers fought in World War II, he didn’t believe that kneeling during the National Anthem was appropriate. Brees apologized and has been “groveling” ever since. -Now white Americans are kneeling to “ask for forgiveness” for something which they personally have had nothing to do with, including five Democrat United States Senators. -So-called healthcare experts said that the coronavirus was lethal if you wanted to go to work, school, or something like a funeral, but apparently has no effect on people who protest and/or riot for “approved” causes.

As Nolte rightly notes, we are currently dealing with a Democratic party that is becoming increasingly radicalized. They have been emboldened and since nobody in the media save a few outlets are holding them accountable, they are taking their radicalism to new levels never before anticipated. Whatever so-called moderate who were left have been supplanted by the radical left. Now, as Nolte points out why would Democrats want to abolish the police, who then would there be to enforce social order? The fact is, as evidenced by their support of the destructive riots, they don’t want social order enforced. They want people to be scared.

They want people to be reliant on central government and want total control. Ironically, they want Soviet or China-style order…they want a central state, communist society. Finally, they don’t want to derive power from the people…they want people to get their power, or lack thereof from the government. Look at our major American cities. By and large, with maybe the exception of New York, what is the common denominator? They have all been run by Democrats. Democrats want to keep people scared, they want to keep them poor, they want to keep them relying on the government for everything, and they want their schools to suck.

You tell them the lie that America is “evil and racist.” Think of what has occurred in the past three months. We saw Democratic controlled states, such as New York, California, Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey continuing draconian, punitive lockdown measures even as states such as Florida and Georgia were loosening up restrictions. The reason? Red state vs. blue state. One would have to be blind not to see that the COVID19 lockdowns had more to do about November…and the presidential election…than it did about public health. Now this past week, we see cities being absolutely decimated by violent riots.

Has one Democratic politician spoken out and condemned the riots? We haven’t heard one. If there is one, they’ve been incredibly quiet about it. Democrats have been openly advocating for anarchy among these violent rioters this week, while weeks ago were locking up people for daring to open up their businesses or citing churches for daring to violate their non-science-based quotas of people who should attend services. Once again, what is this all about? November 3. The Democrats know that black unemployment was at historic lows prior to the pandemic.

So, by allowing these riots to continue unabated, pin the blame on President Trump, and take the side of lawless people over the police, Democrats hope to drag this out as long as possible. Over the past nearly two weeks, we have heard about “systemic racism” among police departments, primarily in our large cities. In the past 24 years prior to President Trump, Democrats have had control of the White House for 16 out of those 24 years. If this police issue is “systemic,” it means it’s been going on for a long time. So, what was done under President Obama to stem this racism? What was done under Clinton?

For that matter, what was done during the eight years George W. Bush was president? Back to our major cities. What have these cities, run by Democrats for decades done to stem this “systemic racism” in their police departments? Nothing. Why? Because it does not exist. Democrats have received literally billions of dollars, probably hundreds of billions over the past 50 years in these cities to improve the lot of their inner cities and their minority populations and what have they done? Nothing. And this is somehow President Trump’s fault?

This is the fault of police departments? Nolte correctly blames the current social unrest on those failures of the Democrats’ socialist utopia bad ideas over the past 50 something years, and secondly to “whipping up the mob” to distract from those failures and lay the blame on President Trump, who’s been in office just over three years. So, what is the end game for the Democrats in wanting to abolish police and confiscate our guns? Control. Nothing more, nothing less.
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