Bill that would have cracked down on shoplifters, drug offenders, scuttled by California's Newsom

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SACRAMENTO, CA - California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who fancies himself a replacement candidate in the event dementia-addled Joe Biden faces reality and drops out of the presidential race, last week pulled a last minute effort with California legislators to put a competing crime bill before voters this fall just before jet-setting off to Washington, D.C. to meet with Biden and other Democrat governors, Politico reports. 

The measure, a watered-down version of another crime bill backed by California prosecutors and large retailers will appear on November’s ballot. The bill scuttled by Newsom would enhance penalties for repeat shoplifters and criminal drug dealers who lace drugs and other substances with fentanyl. 

The decision to postpone the measure was made only a day before the deadline needed to have a majority of each house in the California legislature approve the proposed ballot initiative to have it on November’s ballot. Lawmakers are scheduled to begin a month-long summer recess this week. 

The bill was facing strong headwinds from moderate and progressive Democrats who believed the competing bill was ill-conceived and intended to snub political opponents. Democrats received news the bill was being pulled last Tuesday in a caucus call. One lawmaker who was on Tuesday’s call, who wished to remain anonymous, was incensed with Newsom’s last minute decision to go to Washington to defend Biden from mounting criticism over his cognitive issues. 

Newsom meanwhile blamed the California District Attorneys Association that is pushing the other crime measure, claiming they didn’t engage with his administration and legislative leaders to reach a deal in order to avoid a showdown on the ballot measure. 

“They refused, opting instead to push a ballot measure that would revive policies from the era of mass incarceration and the failed war on drugs,” Newsom said. 

Newsom insisted his proposal had the necessary votes to pass in the legislature, however leaders “were unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary amendments to ensure this measure’s success and will be withdrawing it from consideration.” 

Meanwhile, Greg Totten, CEO of the CDAA and co-chair of Californians for Safer Communities, the coalition supporting the competing ballot measure, credited Newsom for scuttling the competing bill. 

“We are pleased The Governor and Legislature have dropped their countermeasure and welcome them to join our campaign to responsibly amend Prop 47 to deal with retail theft, the fentanyl crisis, and homelessness,” he said in a statement, according to Politico. 

The Sacramento Bee called Newsom’s decision “stunning,” noting that legislative leaders put in a significant amount of time lobbying Democratic lawmakers to vote in favor of the bill. 

The bill that will go on the ballot became eligible after over 900,000 signatures in support were received. The district attorney’s association blames the rise in retail theft and drug crimes on Prop 47, a measure that was approved by voters in 2014 that turned some low-level crimes into misdemeanors while setting a $950 felony threshold for shoplifting. The measure could be resuscitated in August, however. 

Newsom, who has been floated as a future presidential candidate, fled California to back Biden in Washington even as the state is in the middle of a dangerous heat wave and a number of new wildfires in Northern California, including one near the town of Oroville that has led to more than 13,000 people being evacuated. 

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How is this guy still governor? Why are the congress and senate of kalifornia not overriding this idiots vetos??


Because the moronic voters keep electing him, that's why.


Because CA has the best voter fraud system in the nation. In 2020 a foundation looked into our voting rolls and everything else. Not only do we have many many dead voters, we have people living in large numbers and voting from addresses that don’t exist. Of course they all vote one way, and since the state is controlled by one party you can guess which way these non-existent people vote.


This moron, Satan incarnate and the stupid citizens of Kalifornia deserve everything they get. I can't wait for this state to slide into the Pacific, with all the morons that vote for legislation like Prop 47. My hope, they televise the event and we get to watch.


Prior to Newsom causing a mass exodus, CA had more republican voters than any other state. There are still a lot of us here. And although I agree that the stupid that vote for these things deserve the consequences, some of us don’t deserve your hate for something we haven’t done.


Translation: I can't put this law to a vote, it may actually pass.


We left that failed state the very week after I retired. Never looked back. My only concern is for my retirement benefits...which are at the mercy of that fool and his idiot minions.


Newsom is soft on crime because he is afraid a family member, friend or financial supporter might be arrested and face jail time. Newsom, like the whole Democratic Party, only does things that benefit them not the people they said they would represent.


Enabling the addicted, afflict pain and suffering on honest hard-working taxpayers by allowing criminal behavior and acts inflicting pain anguish, and suffering on honest hard-working people. The inflicted can cause pain and suffering to man and the family unit. Destroying AMERICA! Media and the far left are Destroying our nation and children through brainwashing accepting, promoting unnatural acts, and poisoning the minds of our children in public schools and the media! GOD BLESS and SAVE our NATION! This sickness needs to STOP NOW!!! VOTE RESPONSIBILY, Support natural Nature, support the LAW of our forefathers. Love our nation and keep it and the minds of our children strong and lawful with true dignity and pride in who they were born to be and meant to be! Stop assuming and twisting their minds with your unnatural thoughts and desires! Stop the left and their destructive path now! WAKE UP, SODOM and GAMORA were, don't repeat the past!


Enabling the addicted, afflict pain and suffering on honest hard-working taxpayers by allowing criminal behavior and acts inflicting pain anguish, and suffering on honest hard-working people. The inflicted can cause pain and suffering to man and the family unit. Destroying AMERICA! Media and the far left are Destroying our nation and children through brainwashing accepting, promoting unnatural acts, and poisoning the minds of our children in public schools and the media! GOD BLESS and SAVE our NATION! This sickness needs to STOP NOW!!! VOTE RESPONSIBILY, Support natural Nature, support the LAW of our forefathers. Love our nation and keep it and the minds of our children strong and lawful with true dignity and pride in who they were born to be and meant to be! Stop assuming and twisting their minds with your unnatural thoughts and desires! Stop the left and their destructive path now! WAKE UP, SODOM and GAMORA were, don't repeat the past!


The stupid voters of CA are responsible. They elect these incompetent jerks, and then wonder why the state is being ruined.


California voters aren't stupid . Liberals outnumber conservatives 4 to 1 . Some counties have been trying to seceed from the state. Calling your fellow citizens stupid just plays into the hands of people like Newsome.


Look carefully at this "movie star face." He is a wolf in sheep's clothing! If he, or anyone like him becomes president, we are lost!


Such criminal-favoring politicians are the main reason why CA is in such a mess today? What will Newsom the Nerd do next? Decriminalize armed robbery? The sooner he is replaced, the better. His tenure has been more of a disaster Than Brown's.


Too bad Larry Elder never got the chance..he at least had common sense on his side.


This sob has ruined the state of California.

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