Michael Letts: Now that Trump is headed to DC, it’s no time to take it easy

with Michael Letts by is licensed under
If you were anything like the rest of the law enforcement and conservative community, you were sitting at the edge of your seat on election day hour after hour hoping that Donald Trump would be elected.

Because you, like many other Americans, knew there was a lot at stake, especially for the LEO community. For the last four years, the law enforcement profession has been scapegoated, blamed, vilified, and forced into a political tug-of-war.

The liberal community blamed the cops for America’s problems and turned many of the American people against them.

And because of that, can you blame cops for not wanting another four years of that under a Kamala Harris administration?

Thankfully that didn’t happen and now we’re looking at four years under Donald Trump. Now that he is set to take office, now is not the time to relax but just the opposite – it’s time to get to work.

But it needs to be done carefully.

“Great things we want to see, great proposals are going to be made for change. But we have to remember now that we have a house and a senate that has to concur. We don't have a dictatorship in this country so you have to get concurrence to be able to get legislation passed,” Michael Letts, political analyst, LEO advocate and CEO/Founder of nonprofit organization InVest USA said on a recent podcast.

Letts has been keeping a watchful eye on politics, especially with how it impacts the law enforcement community. His concern is how Trump’s incoming administration may get in its own way with RINO’s. A RINO, aka a “Republican in name only”, is a pejorative used to describe politicians of the Republican Party deemed insufficiently loyal to the party, or misaligned with the party's ideology.

“We have a bunch of RINOs in the house, in the senate quite frankly. And you know the house is looking at best maybe being plus four in the senate, or plus three. The bottom line is this is razor-thin. You get a handful of RINOs that decide they've got an issue or a beef with the president and block legislation, guess where we end up? We end up with nothing,” Letts added.

He also understands Trump’s administration is in a perfect position to enable effective change for Americans, which is sorely needed. But he still has concerns with how RINOs can drag their feet on important issues.

“This is our best shot. From 2024 to 2026 we have control of all three branches but it doesn't take a whole lot to have people back things up. Here's where it's so frustrating. Even the RINOs lie to you. [They say], ‘Oh yeah I support you 100%. Of course, you know I’m going on vacation for the next two weeks and then I've got this and that, then I'll have to get to it at some point in time,’ and it never happens,” Letts said.

Letts has been a figurehead in Washington D.C. and understands its politics and how things come to be.

“I've moved to DC so many times I think I got DC in my blood, I can't get rid of it. But quite frankly it's a horrible place, I mean that's why it is such a swamp because people abuse the position that they're in. You weren't sent there to block things, to try to just get your own little way. You were sent there to do what's best for the American people,” Letts said.

Letts, like many of us, are glad to see President-elect Donald Trump prepare to take over the White House. But we also hope, and remain optimistic, that Trump will get everyone actively engaged to do what’s best for the American people and the law enforcement community.

The last thing we want is to let the DC political machine take over and sink its teeth as it did so deeply with the liberal community.

Our cops deserve the best and we want to see Trump deliver it.

Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Order your copy on Amazon today! 

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to michaelletts.us and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit investusa.org.

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.BuyHeroStuff.com
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