Terror threat! NYC Mayor Adams says not all migrants are here for the 'American dream'

NEW YORK CITY, NY – On Monday, September 11th, the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, CBS New York released an interview with Mayor Eric Adams (D- NYC), where he stated that terrorists see the “migrant issue” coming through the country’s southern border as a chance to inflict harm upon the citizens of the United States.

Towards the beginning of the interview, he was asked if he believed that the people of this country still need to worry about a terrorist attack. He responded by saying, “Yes. Yes, we do. Yes, we do…You know, there are those out there who want us to feel comfortable and feel as though we don’t have enemies that want to hurt our way of life. And we have to be concerned on many levels.”

He added, “Trust me, their goals would exploit even this migrant issue coming through our southern border. They see this as an opportunity to come here and harm our country. We must have vetting in place …We cannot get comfortable and believe that is going to go away.

“Remember, there were several years’ gaps between the attack on Trade Center attack number one to actually taking down the Trade Center. We fell into a sense of comfort, and you cannot do that. They are out there, they will still hurt America.”

CBS New York Chief Political Correspondent Marcia Kramer then asked the Mayor if the fact that 9/11 was approaching, if that makes him bring terrorism back to his mind. Adams responded, “It never left. It never left. I’m always, when I start in the morning speaking to the police commissioner and the team, I am asking, are there any notable threats out there? … So, I am constantly asking, are we dealing with any threats?

"What are we dealing [with]? Once I get that foundational no real credible threats, now I can shift and deal with all the other duties of running the city.”

Kramer then asked, “So, are you really saying that the lessons of 9/11 should be remembered by the president and the federal government in terms of determining border policy?”

To which the Mayor said, “Yes, it should. As we allow people to come in to experience the American dream, we have done that for years, there’s a reason the Statue of Liberty sits in our harbor. But as we romanticize that, we have to also see exactly what does that mean and how do we do it, to filter out those who are not coming here to pursue the American dream but to destroy the American dream.

“Everyone that attempts to enter our country is not coming here because they believe in America. Some are coming because they want to harm America. And that’s the smallest number, but we cannot ignore them because it only took a certain small number of people to take down our entire center of Trade.”

Kramer stated, “It seems like 9/11 is a good time to remind the president of that.”

“Well, to remind the president and Congress [of] real border and immigration reform," the mayor replied, "and no city should be impacted by this: El Paso, Brownsville, Texas; Los Angeles; Chicago. No cities should have to burden the national crisis on its own, and we should think about that.”

Kramer ended the interview by saying, “And on September 12th, we got up,” to which the Mayor said, “We got up, and we will continue to get up because we are Americans and we are New Yorkers.”
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