NEW INFORMATION: This article has been updated and NEW bombshell information can be found here.
EDITORS NOTE: After Law Enforcement Today published the article below, we received a forwarded email initially sent from Sheriff John Mina to his office regarding immigration enforcement. We have included the full text of the email below. Law Enforcement Today strives to provide the whole story; this new information wasn't sent to us until after the article was published.
Over the past several weeks there has been a lot of discussion and uncertainty about the Orange County Sheriff's Office role in relation to enforcement of immigration laws. This has been complicated by the fact that new laws and orders have been enacted at both the state and federal level. Accordingly, I have directed the legal services section to put out guidance to deputies so that you have clarity about your authority with regard to immigration. That information will come out later today.
Our priority at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is to target violent criminals and drug dealers who put our citizens directly in harm’s way. But let me be clear; We will continue to enforce all laws within our authority including those that relate to unlawful immigration. In addition to that, we will continue to cooperate with state and federal partners to target criminals in our community. For example, last month I signed a 287(g) Agreement committing to partner with the Department of Homeland Security by providing deputies who will be trained to work as task force agents with DHS.
In fact, our deputies recently arrested a group of Columbian nationals suspected of committing hundreds of burglaries across the United States, and at least four of the five arrestees in this case could face charges under the new state immigration law, SB 4C. Through OCSO’s cooperation with our federal partners, those suspects are already in ICE custody.
I recognize that there are limitations on your authority, as most immigration enforcement takes place at the federal level. And the Orange County Sheriff's Office is unique as we do not operate a jail, which is where most detention issues come up. Deputies must not exceed their authority in an effort to pursue suspected violations of immigration laws. We must ensure that all victims of crime feel safe coming to us and reporting crime, so that we can continue to arrest violent criminals and keep all of our residents safe.
Again, legal will send out specific guidance later today.
I want to thank you for all you do and your commitment to keeping our community safe.
ORANGE COUNTY, FL - On behalf of Law Enforcement Today, we would like to congratulate Orange County Sheriff John Mina for being inducted into the LET gutless police administrator’s Hall of Shame, joining current inductees Dallas Police Chief Michael Igo and Tompkins County, NY Sheriff Derek Osborne as police “leaders” abdicating their oath to protect and defend their citizens.
Mina, whose claim to fame includes screwing up the Pulse Nightclub shooting investigation in June 2016, has instructed his deputies to clear any assistance to ICE or immigration officials through him first, The Gateway Pundit reports.
Mina, a Democrat, issued an internal email to officers:
“Any ICE/immigration related calls must be cleared through the chain of command,” while making it clear that officers need to get permission before arresting any illegal aliens, including those who have committed violent crimes.
Former Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation detective and Orange County Sheriff’s Office investigator James Copenhaver says Mina is upsetting officers under his command and putting the community at risk.
Copenhaver has contacted the office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and hopes that action will be taken against Mina, a partisan Democrat.
“Deputies must be able to act decisively in situations where immediate enforcement is necessary to protect themselves and the public. Any policy that delays or restricts cooperation with ICE and other federal agencies could create unnecessary risks and confusion.
“Given these concerns, I urge Sheriff Mina to publicly and internally clarify his stance on Florida’s immigration laws and provide clear guidance on how his office will cooperate with federal agencies on illegal immigration enforcement.”
Last month, DeSantis announced an agreement between the state of Florida and ICE on illegal alien enforcement efforts. The agreement states that state and local Florida law enforcement officers will partner with ICE under their 287(g) program, which authorizes ICE to delegate them to work specified immigration officer functions under ICE oversight.
Mina, however, is choosing to put partisan politics ahead of his duty to protect Orange County residents and visitors. That is,of course, nothing new for Mina, who, in 2020, along with Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolon, took to his knees in solidarity with the cop-hating Marxist group Black Lives Matter. That led the Fraternal Order of Police to unanimously vote not to endorse him in his reelection bid.
As Fraternal Order of Police member wrote of Mina, “You knelt with the same protesters/rioters who were hurling insults and bricks at us for your own political gain.”
Mina, the gutless puke that he is, said at the time, “The two young gentlemen asked us to kneel, and we said, ‘Well, why don’t we kneel and pray?’” Mina told Fox News at the time. “And so we did, and I think that sent a great message not only to the people protesting out there but to our officers and our deputies who were watching their two leaders here in Orange County kneel, take a knee, and listen to what the protesters had to say.”
No, Sheriff, it showed that when push came to shove, you didn’t have the backs of your officers.
In part of a statement Mina gave to Fox News after bending his knee to anti-law enforcement cop haters, Mina spoke about “difficult decisions” he made as sheriff, including the termination of “deputies for…breaking the law.”
That tells you pretty much all you need to know about Sheriff Mina. He’s unafraid to go after his deputies for “breaking the law.” But, if you enter the country illegally and are a member of a criminal gang or have a felony record for crimes such as murder and rape, Mina will make sure to make things as difficult as possible for federal immigration authorities trying to restore sovereignty to our country.
In other words, Mina is a leftist hypocrite.
Welcome to the LET Hall of Shame.
10 days ago | Comment by: Steve
Needs to resign quickly!!
9 days ago | Comment by: James
EVERY pig in this country is OATH violating FILTH .... When we shoot these commies OUT of here, GUESS who is going right behind them ...........