Portland man charged for ordering his dog to attack three men after uttering racial slur

PORTLAND, OR - Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers arrested Zachary Tyler Hay, 29, on Monday on a felony assault with “a dangerous weapon" as well as bias crime charges, alleging that he ordered his dog, an American Pit Bull Terrier, to attack two people, injuring a total of three. 

According to OregonLive, the incident began with the victim of the alleged bias crime, a black man, hearing a commotion and running toward it. He reportedly found Hay's dog attacking a teenager and intervened. Hay, recognizing the victim as a security guard at a local grocery store, allegedly hurled a racial slur at the man and ordered his dog to attack, injuring him significantly.

The guard sustained wounds to his chest and hand described by prosecutors as "severe bites to his chest and his right hand, which partially de-gloved his right thumb."
An additional man then intervened and attempted to stop the attack. Authorities said that man was bitten in the groin. The outlet reported that Hay then fled the scene.

Later, subsequent to his arrest Hay claimed that his dog broke loose during the confrontation and attacked the men because they were acting aggressively.
  A press release from PPB stated that Hay is being held at the Multnomah County Detention Center and that his dog is in the custody of County Animal Services.

The bureau explained the bias charges, stating, "The Portland Police Bureau investigates all reports of bias-motivated crimes and encourages any member of our community who is the victim of such a crime to contact law enforcement. Under Oregon law, bias crimes are defined as any criminal act that targets a victim based on the suspect's perception of the victim's race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or national origin. Detectives work to determine whether or not bias elements are present during the reported crime that align with Oregon law as defined in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)."

Investigators have released photos of the third victim in the hopes that he can be identified and urging that they contact police. OregonLive noted that Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai ordered Hay to be held pending an assessment of his possible release or detention until trial.

Hay pleaded not guilty during his arraignment.
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