Our country is in turmoil, we're divided more now than ever before, and there seems to be no end in sight.
Everything can change overnight with a simple but albeit important election. Our most important question is, how does this election impact the law enforcement profession?
On the surface, the answer seems simple. If the Democrats win, it's four more years of anti-police rhetoric, more defunding, and new policy written by liberal bureaucrats with little to no real-world policing experience.
If Trump wins, we could expect more political support, increased budgets, more training opportunities, and a reduced fear that a seemingly routine use of force incident will become politicized.
But is it that simple? Is that guaranteed?
There is one certain thing - there's a lot at stake for law enforcement in this election.
“What is at stake for the police is a matter of national security. Why? We have gotten to the point when you add in the factors, such disregard for law enforcement, such lack of funding, such, actually abuse, of law enforcement,” Michael Letts said.
Michael Letts is an LEO advocate, political expert, and CEO/founder of the nonprofit organization InVest USA.
He has seen the law enforcement profession change over decades and voices his displeasure with how politics affects police officers and law enforcement as a whole. He has concerns over how politics has weaponized certain law enforcement agencies by going after political opponents.
“You have political entities that have weaponized agents. Cops know when they're being taken advantage of. I see murderers running out on the street but, ‘Hey you need to go pick up this guy’. Why? Because he's a big conservative,” Michael said.
He continued, “But when we're being utilized for political gains, to go after people, to punish people that don't agree with that particular philosophy, that's just discouraging to all of us.”
Trump Assassination Attempt
There are far more questions that continue to be asked than there are available answers when it comes to the recent assassination attempt of former President Trump.
Some of those questions were, did another law enforcement agency, and/or deep state have anything to do with the assassination attempt? How did politics play in role in leading up to the assassination attempt?
The investigation and analysis of the event is ongoing. According to Michael, some of the facts regarding the attempt are troubling and a sign of the times we in law enforcement are in.
Michael recalls being informed that the counter-sniper who took out the assailant had the shooter in his sights and requested permission to engage but was denied. The counter-sniper did eventually take out the threat but only after the assailant shot first.
“He [the counter sniper and LEO] very quickly has come out and said, ‘Look, before people start looking at my picture, start blaming me let, me clear the air. I had him in my sight, I had him engaged, I was ready to go. I asked for permission to engage, permission to fire, and I was denied. I was not given permission to engage until after the third shot rang out,’” Michael quoted.
The first question jumps out - why wasn’t he given permission to fire?
The next question is, why didn’t he just shoot first?
Michael believes the answer to the second question is related to the political climate many police officers are concerned with.
“The newer cops, they see that we [America] have created a climate that law enforcement is guilty until proven innocent with anything they do,” Michael said.
He continued, “So why is that important now? Nobody wants to do what they know needs to be done.”
Many police officers are concerned with how their next use of force will be analyzed. Will it be fair? Will it be politicized? Will I lose my livelihood over my decision?
These are the questions many officers ask themselves every day.
With this political climate, it’s hard to blame the counter-sniper for asking permission to engage a clear threat.
That’s why there is a lot at stake this November. We want a President who will support law enforcement and give them the courage to do what is right.
Get out and vote. People’s lives are at stake.
To learn more about Michael Letts, go to michaelletts.us and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit investusa.org.
Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.
Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.BuyHeroStuff.com
Everything can change overnight with a simple but albeit important election. Our most important question is, how does this election impact the law enforcement profession?
On the surface, the answer seems simple. If the Democrats win, it's four more years of anti-police rhetoric, more defunding, and new policy written by liberal bureaucrats with little to no real-world policing experience.
If Trump wins, we could expect more political support, increased budgets, more training opportunities, and a reduced fear that a seemingly routine use of force incident will become politicized.
But is it that simple? Is that guaranteed?
There is one certain thing - there's a lot at stake for law enforcement in this election.
“What is at stake for the police is a matter of national security. Why? We have gotten to the point when you add in the factors, such disregard for law enforcement, such lack of funding, such, actually abuse, of law enforcement,” Michael Letts said.
Michael Letts is an LEO advocate, political expert, and CEO/founder of the nonprofit organization InVest USA.
He has seen the law enforcement profession change over decades and voices his displeasure with how politics affects police officers and law enforcement as a whole. He has concerns over how politics has weaponized certain law enforcement agencies by going after political opponents.
“You have political entities that have weaponized agents. Cops know when they're being taken advantage of. I see murderers running out on the street but, ‘Hey you need to go pick up this guy’. Why? Because he's a big conservative,” Michael said.
He continued, “But when we're being utilized for political gains, to go after people, to punish people that don't agree with that particular philosophy, that's just discouraging to all of us.”
Trump Assassination Attempt
There are far more questions that continue to be asked than there are available answers when it comes to the recent assassination attempt of former President Trump.
Some of those questions were, did another law enforcement agency, and/or deep state have anything to do with the assassination attempt? How did politics play in role in leading up to the assassination attempt?
The investigation and analysis of the event is ongoing. According to Michael, some of the facts regarding the attempt are troubling and a sign of the times we in law enforcement are in.
Michael recalls being informed that the counter-sniper who took out the assailant had the shooter in his sights and requested permission to engage but was denied. The counter-sniper did eventually take out the threat but only after the assailant shot first.
“He [the counter sniper and LEO] very quickly has come out and said, ‘Look, before people start looking at my picture, start blaming me let, me clear the air. I had him in my sight, I had him engaged, I was ready to go. I asked for permission to engage, permission to fire, and I was denied. I was not given permission to engage until after the third shot rang out,’” Michael quoted.
The first question jumps out - why wasn’t he given permission to fire?
The next question is, why didn’t he just shoot first?
Michael believes the answer to the second question is related to the political climate many police officers are concerned with.
“The newer cops, they see that we [America] have created a climate that law enforcement is guilty until proven innocent with anything they do,” Michael said.
He continued, “So why is that important now? Nobody wants to do what they know needs to be done.”
Many police officers are concerned with how their next use of force will be analyzed. Will it be fair? Will it be politicized? Will I lose my livelihood over my decision?
These are the questions many officers ask themselves every day.
With this political climate, it’s hard to blame the counter-sniper for asking permission to engage a clear threat.
That’s why there is a lot at stake this November. We want a President who will support law enforcement and give them the courage to do what is right.
Get out and vote. People’s lives are at stake.
To learn more about Michael Letts, go to michaelletts.us and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit investusa.org.
Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.
Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.BuyHeroStuff.com
For corrections or revisions, click here.
The opinions reflected in this article are not necessarily the opinions of LET
222 days ago | Comment by: Harry
In the early 70's when I worked for the El Paso County Sheriff's Office in Colorado Springs and later, the Colorado State Patrol, LEOs were respected and people looked up to them. Now, it's a completely different story, brought on in part by the DemocRAT's "feel good" and the "it's not their fault that they're a criminal" philosophy.