Punk is surprised video of him punching people in the head unprovoked has gone viral, says he made a 'mistake'

HOUSTON, TX - When you act like a punk, expect to be treated like one. 

Such is the case for a 19-year-old Texas man, who was captured on a walking trail at Wortham Park in Houston attacking at least two people unprovoked as they walked along the trail, KHOU-11 reported. 

The video was shared on the social media app Nextdoor by someone who had seen the video on a different platform. 

In the video, Alford Lewis, wearing a red hoodie with “Spartans” written on the front, randomly walks up to people from behind and sucker-punching them in the head. KHOU said Lewis allegedly tried to tackle a man in the Cypress-area park earlier that same week. 

KHOU was able to track down the suspect, who, of course, refused to accept responsibility for his actions. Oh, he admitted he “made a mistake,” but “everybody makes mistakes,” Lewis said. 

Mistake? Sure, walking up to someone who is entirely unaware, winding up, and punching them in the back of the head is a “mistake.” Such “mistakes” have never ended badly, have they? Like, nobody has ever been struck in the back of the head, fallen unconscious and struck their head, gotten a brain bleed, and died, right? 

Let’s go all the way back to July 24, when a Staten Island man was punched in the head, left unconscious, and later died from his injuries, the New York Daily News reported. 

How about Charles Cunningham, 63, who was similarly punched in the face in Harlem? He accidentally bumped into someone who punched him in the face, causing him to fall at East 105th and Fifth Avenue on April 20, ABC-7 reported. He was taken to the hospital, where he died the next day. 

A simple Google search shows scores of incidents where people were punched in the head and succumbed to their injuries in just the past few months. But hey, it was a “mistake” when Lewis stuck at least two people in the head. 

One must wonder what would have happened if one of the victims in Houston took out their legally carried firearm and shot Lewis, who is black. One can only imagine. 

Worry not, however. Lewis “didn’t expect for it to go so left, you know,” he told the outlet. “I know from the video all you see is the bad part about it. But what people don’t see is that I shook his hand after and gave the man a hug.” 

We’ll take stuff that never happened for $500, Alex. As KHOU said, they could not verify that part of the story. 

Lewis said the “harsh reaction” to the video gave him time to rethink his actions right in the nick of time. 

“Before you go out and do anything you feel is bade, or that could look bad, make sure like people know–or just don’t do it at all,” Lewis said. 

Great advice there, son. Let people know you’re going to sucker punch them in the head. 

For unknown reasons, none of the individuals Lewis punched in the head fought back, likely shocked by the unprovoked attack. 

While it is unknown if any of the victims have pressed charges, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Violent Crimes Division is investigating the video. The victims may be required to press charges for the Sheriff’s office to proceed. 

This incident is a microcosm of what is wrong with society today. For someone to think they had the right to go up to someone who is minding their own business, out for a walk on a fall day, and punch them in the head–unprovoked–is all you need to know about the United States in 2023. 

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Let’s ‘mistake’ him in the head twice and see how he likes it.


It was a mistake I only had a 115 gr hollow point instead of the 124 gr hollow point I usually carry when I shot him


Of couse he will cry discrimination.


Of couse he will cry discrimination.

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