Rep. Jim Banks declares ‘no more money’ to Ukraine until U.S. southern border is secured

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INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Earlier in August, House Republican Rep. Jim Banks shared a declaration regarding the ongoing border crisis, telling attendees at the Indiana Republican Party’s 2023 State Dinner that Ukraine shouldn’t receive another dollar to protect their borders until the federal government addresses America’s own southern border.

The Indiana Republican Party’s 2023 State Dinner was held at the 3W Marriot in Indianapolis on August 10th, where active congressman and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Banks shared his sentiments on the competing priorities of Ukraine and American interests on border security.

Rep. Banks reportedly received a standing ovation amid his keynote speech after vowing to the crowd, “No more money to secure Ukraine’s border until we secure our own.”

The Indiana congressman later spoke to The Daily Signal about his comments from earlier in August, elaborating on his asserted stance.

“The crisis at the border is the number one issue that every group of Republicans who I speak to across the state of Indiana asks about," he said. "Hoosier voters want to know that they’re electing leaders to Congress who are more focused on solving our problems.”

Rep. Banks stated that voters in his state are reasonably more concerned about the impacts of our own southern border being compromised, adding, “With me, they know they’re going to get someone who’s focused on solving our own open-border fentanyl epidemic that’s killing a record number of Hoosiers—and is the leading cause of death [in Indiana].”

When making mention of the Biden administration’s past efforts to support Ukraine monetarily amid the conflict abroad, Rep. Banks expressed criticisms over the lack of oversight on how the billions already rendered are being spent.

“At the moment, there is no inspector general… There’s no accountability for the flow of money sent to Ukraine. With the current administration asking for another supplemental spending bill, we’re talking about well over $100 billion spent on what’s going on in Ukraine.”

The current monetary commitment to Ukraine, courtesy of the U.S. government, has already reached approximately $113 billion, which recent analyses of the rendered aid shows it’s costing American taxpayers roughly $900 per household.

Even though Congress is currently in recess until early September, some elected officials are reportedly already signaling their desires to send more money over to Ukraine through a bill masquerading as mere hurricane relief for Americans. Estimates floating around the aforesaid bill could see anywhere from an additional $10-$70 billion going to Ukraine.

Furthermore, a recent CNN poll demonstrated that a majority of Americans are growing tired of the constant money flow to Ukraine, as 55% of poll respondents said Congress shouldn’t authorize anymore money for the effort and 51% of respondents outright asserted that the American government has already done enough to assist Ukraine.
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