Michael Letts: The Second Amendment is far more important than you realize

with Michael Letts by is licensed under
The amount the average American knows about the second amendment varies all the way from “clueless citizen” to a “constitutional expert” and everything in between. Both those are the two extreme levels.

Few Americans are completely clueless about the Second Amendment, and few are considered “experts." It is fair to assume that most Americans are somewhat familiar with the Second Amendment and understand how it, and the constitution as a whole, is critical to Democracy and the American way of life.

One person we know who is a leading expert in the constitution, and specifically the Second Amendment, is our colleague, LEO advocate, and political analyst, Michael Letts.

Letts is the CEO and founder of one of America’s longest running nonprofit organizations, InVest USA, which provides free vests to first responders nationwide. He has also been advocating for law enforcement for decades and understands the LEO culture and how politics get involved.

But one area he is an expert on is with the all-important Second Amendment. He understands that it is not only important to America, it is critical to the entire fabric of our Democracy and way of life.

“Well, it's very clear with the Second Amendment, people don't really read it." On a recent podcast interview, Letts said, "It’s what I’ve been told, the Second Amendment gives me the right to possess a firearm.”

Today, the liberal community wants to infringe on the Second Amendment. They simply want to take guns away from Americans by arguing that part of the original concept of bearing arms was to hunt and feed your family – which they feel is not necessary anymore.

But it is more complicated than that.

“No, that's not the purpose at all. When you look at the Second Amendment, people will be shocked as to how poignant it is, it's very specific. The purpose behind the Second Amendment is for a well-armed militia; that doesn't mean a separate army, that means to allow the citizens to be able to ensure that a government that ever tries to turn its power, that has been granted, against the people and try to become a tyranny, you [Americans] have a duty – this is what the constitution says – you have a duty and an obligation to defend the people against such a takeover. That was the purpose behind the Second Amendment,” Letts said.

And that is exactly what happened centuries ago.

“The purpose of the Second Amendment was to make sure that it never occurred again - what they had just fought the Revolutionary War for - and that is to allow a government to turn on its people and to force them into servanthood and to take away their rights and freedoms. And that's the purpose of the Second Amendment,” Letts added.

Another important element to the constitution is that it wasn’t created randomly – it mimicked many of the rights provided by God.

“The constitution is very clear, the Preamble, these rights are not just, ‘we came out of thin air and decided to grant a few of them to you.’ They’re God-given rights, nobody can take away your God-given rights but God himself. And you have the responsibility to defend yourself and your family and your loved ones to ensure that you can enjoy the prosperity and those rights for generations to come,” Letts said.

The liberal community wants to take away your right to bear arms which is not only an infringement on the constitution, but also an infringement of your God-given rights. If it were up to the Democratic party, they would take all your guns, your rights, and will impose their will on you and the entire population.

It’s a scary thought. And what’s scarier is – how close are they getting?

That is why you must cast your vote November.

Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today! 

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to michaelletts.us and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit investusa.org.

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company www.BuyHeroStuff.com 
For corrections or revisions, click here.
The opinions reflected in this article are not necessarily the opinions of LET
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The purpose of the Second Amendment was clearly stated by the founding fathers in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights where it says “The convention of a number of states having at the time of their adopting of the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse, of its powers that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added”. Note that when the Second Amendment was written, every weapon was a weapon of war, there were no restrictions on the private ownership of weapons by law abiding, private citizens and the citizen militia (i.e. the people) were equally matched with the Continental Army. After all, if they weren’t equally matched, it would be pretty hard to deter or "prevent misconstruction or abuse" of the government’s powers - so in reality, the citizen militia of today should have the same firearms as the current US military. Unfortunately we are no longer equally matched because we have let our gun rights be eroded by buying into this notion if we just "compromise" to accommodate the people who - for whatever reason - don’t like guns they will quit trying to take away our gun rights. History has shown that no matter how much we "compromise", it’s never enough so we need to stop "compromising".


Re: "is for a well-armed militia; that doesn't mean a separate army" True. As is codified in current US law 10 USC 246 there are 2 types of militias - organized and unorganized. The National Guard is part of the organized militia and everyone who is not in the organized militia is in the unorganized militia. And since it often comes up - in the 1700’s when the Second Amendment was written, well regulated didn’t mean government control - it meant “to make regular” or “be in good working order” like a "well regulated" clock which in today’s military parlance is often referred to as maintaining good order and discipline.


Because We remain armed, the government and the statists cannot take the republic by force. They must have We the People vote for the changes the statists want. In several states they are succeeding by using leftist propaganda and convincing the People that we are a democracy and constantly pounding the term home. The Media and academia are complicit, with Republicans only too ignorantly, helping the campaign to destroy the Constitution and republic. The ultimate goal of changing to a democracy is simple: a socialist government bereft of individual rights and controlled by the elitists. Welcome to Venezuela. Think on this the next time someone says “our democracy”. Are they a statist or just ignorant or perhaps, both.

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