Analysis: Will society entirely fall apart in America because of a collapse of the EBT system?

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Written by Jeff Ezell

As the typical American wakes up to the harsh realities of the past five years, what was once relegated to conspiracy theories and Tom Clancy novels is now at the forefront of everyone's minds. In my constant conversations with friends, clients, or even the guy in line at the store who spots my patriot t-shirt, the question inevitably arises: What do I think is the biggest threat, and how do we prepare for it?

Over the last 30 years, discussions about potential threats have evolved from basic crime to terrorism and everything in between. Our preparedness talks have shifted from extreme, low-probability scenarios to statistically likely threats that many couldn't have imagined facing. Even the staunchest non-believers have come to accept that anything can happen, especially after what was revealed dealing with COVID-19.

Naturally, questions often revolve around the big and scary scenarios—significant terrorist attacks, power grid failures, EMP nightmares, or geopolitical moves by China or Russia. However, there's one event I've been sharing and describing over the past ten years, an event that is not only one of the worst but also the most likely to happen. It's the day when over 70 million people wake up to a zero balance on their EBT card or other Govt assistance financial accounts.

Estimates suggest that at least a third of the U.S. population depends on some form of government assistance. Whether the number is 40 million or 140 million, the bottom line is that a tremendous number of people rely on this assistance as their main source of income. Regardless of your stance on the amount and reasons of assistance provided, the simple reality is that this number exists, and it's overwhelming to comprehend.

In the coming weeks, we will delve into several topics concerning this threat and what it might look like. We'll explore the mindset needed to consider this a worthy concern for preparing our friends and families. I firmly believe that if and when this occurs, the chaos and complete societal breakdown will accelerate faster than most can even comprehend.

Another article will touch on destabilizers that will contribute to the rapid deterioration of this event—factors like the massive reduction in law enforcement, the declining military recruitment, never-ending supply chain issues, food supply shortages, and much more. A basic prep list of crucial items needed will be another point of discussion in future articles. This is, of course, hypothetical and based on nothing more than my perspective and insight. Take from it what you will, but at the very least, it will get you thinking!

The Triggering Event

The hypothetical scenario unfolds against the backdrop of an economic crisis that sends shockwaves through the United States. At the epicenter is the failure of the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system, leaving millions of people without crucial government assistance. As news spreads about the disruption in EBT services, anxiety and frustration escalate among the vulnerable populations that rely on this support for their basic needs.

The initial impact is felt in major urban centers where poverty rates are already high. Social media becomes a hotbed of discontent, with users sharing stories of hardship and encouraging others to join in protests. Local news outlets report isolated incidents of civil unrest as people demand answers and immediate solutions. Law enforcement is stretched thin as they struggle to contain sporadic outbreaks of violence and looting. Within days this begins to take place in nearly every state and thousands of cities and towns not limited to "big cities"

The Escalation

As the days progress, the unrest intensifies, transforming sporadic protests into full-fledged riots. The failure of the EBT system has created a domino effect, with major cities experiencing simultaneous breakdowns in law and order. The ripple effect extends beyond just those directly affected by the EBT failure, as growing economic uncertainty fuels public frustration.

Communication networks become strained, making it difficult for authorities to coordinate responses and share critical information. In an attempt to regain control, local governments impose curfews and deploy the National Guard to maintain order. However, clashes between protesters and law enforcement become increasingly violent, resulting in casualties on both sides.

The economic repercussions of widespread riots start to materialize. Businesses, already grappling with the aftermath of the economic crisis, now face additional challenges as looting and vandalism disrupt supply chains and commerce. The stock market experiences a sharp decline, reflecting the uncertainty and instability sweeping the nation. International partners express concerns about the impact of the U.S. crisis on the global economy.

The Tipping Point and Broader Consequences

As the situation deteriorates, the unrest reaches a tipping point where even cities previously untouched by the chaos are now grappling with civil disorder. The federal government is forced to take drastic measures, deploying additional military resources to restore order. Martial law is declared in some areas, further eroding civil liberties and intensifying public discontent.

The failure of the EBT system, coupled with the widespread riots, sparks a humanitarian crisis as access to essential services becomes increasingly limited. Hospitals struggle to provide medical care amid the chaos, and food shortages compound the suffering of vulnerable populations. The international community watches with growing concern, as the repercussions of the U.S. crisis extend beyond its borders.

The long-term consequences of this hypothetical scenario are dire. The social fabric of the nation is frayed, trust in institutions is shattered, and economic recovery becomes an even more daunting challenge.

Rebuilding communities and restoring stability will require a concerted effort from all levels of government, as well as collaboration with international partners to address the broader implications of the crisis. This is based on a 30-day timeline, but depending on your location and the level of panic in your area, you might need to assess specific circumstances to determine if this is a 30-day threat or one that could unfold within 72 hours.

Many individuals I converse with boast what they perceive as a "ton" of supplies, ranging from food, water, ammunition, gas, generators, and more. However, the pivotal question I always pose is, "What is your plan for getting you, your family and that ton of supplies out of there, and where are you going?"

If there's no answer to this fundamental question, the subsequent query becomes: Are you prepared to shelter in place, and can you defend that indefinitely? Another topic for discussion down the road, but I hope this prompts you to expand your risk analysis and integrate it into your overall strategy.

This scenario serves as a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of social, economic, and political factors, underscoring the importance of strategy and contingency plans to prepare your family.

Now start the conversation with the next person!

Stay safe and God Bless!

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