Threat of China is very real in the United States

WASHINGTON, DC- Despite Joe Biden’s claim that “climate change” is the most existential threat facing the U.S., it is clear that China poses the real danger to our country.

JD Rucker, writing in The Liberty Daily on Substack, tells us that British intelligence is warning Congress about the emerging threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), citing an article in The Daily Mail. The CCP is engaging to infiltrate the United States government, including senators and House members. In some cases, they have already succeeded.

The Mail singled out Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), whom Rucker identified as “a notoriously easy target for the CCP.”

According to the article:
  •        Congress has been infiltrated by Chinese spies attempting to get access to classified information in recent years.
  •        Rep. Eric Swalwell had ties to a suspected Chinese spy, Fang Fang, and Senator Diane Feinstein employed a spy as her driver in California for 20 years.
Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), chairman of the House Select Committee on the Communist Party, told The Daily Mail that education of members of the House and Senate about the threat of infiltration is vital, especially in light of a recent event in the UK:

“One thing we’re trying to do here on the Select Committee is to educate people—members, and staff—about the nature of not only traditional CCP espionage but United Front work,” he said.

“I think United Front is a poorly understood phenomenon. I don’t think your average member understands what it is. The more we can educate members about this phenomenon, the better they can defend themselves.”

What is United Front? It is a political strategy the CCP employs to advance China’s global influence and power. They utilize several methods, including deploying spies to change the policies of foreign nations to either be more pro-China or to gain sensitive information.

In the case of Swalwell, he’s already been compromised, according to multiple sources.

According to The Daily Mail, "Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s ties to a suspected Chinese spy, Christine Fang, known as “Fang Fang,” sparked an Ethics Committee investigation into his conduct. The committee ended up not taking any disciplinary action against Swalwell but issued a letter warning lawmakers about the threat of foreign infiltration."

“Members should be conscious of the possibility that foreign governments may attempt to secure improper influence through gifts and other interactions,” the letter stated.

Christine Fang left China to attend college in the United States in 2011. Then, she began to engage in close relationships with several key US lawmakers, including Swalwell, to gain sensitive information. She helped raise money for his 2014 House campaign and attended several events Swalwell also happened to participate in.

In 2015, the FBI notified Swalwell of their concerns, at which time he broke off contact with her. Earlier this year, Speaker Kevin McCarthy booted Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee due to his relationship with the Chinese spy.

Swalwell isn’t the only Democrat to be compromised by the Chinese. A former aide to Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.), employed as her driver, was found to be tied to the CCP. Feinstein was serving as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee at that time. Feinstein, however, claimed the spy “never had access to classified or sensitive information or legislative matters” and was dismissed after the FBI informed her that her office had been infiltrated.

Swalwell and Feinstein were slammed by Rep. Michael Walz (F-Fla.) for being victimized by China’s spy program.

“Communist China has a sophisticated and enormous global spy network that has already breached the highest levels of government like in the cases of Senator Feinstein’s aide or the targeting of Congressman Swalwell,” Walz said.

Some believe the US is particularly susceptible to infiltration by the CCP.

According to Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, a UK-based think tank, it “could easily happen in the US” because “nobody had really understood it could happen in such a spectacular way here [in the UK].”

“Who’s to say there aren’t people in the U.S. and other Western democracies who have been turned, and who may well be involved in Chinese influence operations or spying for China?” he told The Daily Mail.
“It’s similar to what the Russians used to do, sending proper spies who were not obviously connected to the regime. It seems unlikely China isn’t going to do that.”

In the UK, a parliamentary researcher with links to MPs (members of Parliament) with classified information was arrested for “spying for China,” The Daily Mail reported.

The suspect, whom the paper did not identify, was believed to be linked to several Conservative members of Parliament, including the Security Minister and Foreign Affairs Committee Chair.

Those members are “privy to classified or highly sensitive information,” although none have been linked to wrongdoing.

After word of the breach was released, an investigation by the Metropolitan (London) Police and MI5, the British intelligence agency, was begun. Both agencies have suggested more operatives could be working at the highest levels of the British government. That led to the warning directed at the United States Congress.
Mendoza warned politicians should closely examine the backgrounds of the people they are hiring.

“If you have spent a considerable amount of time in China, that should be a red flag that should mean you dig into someone’s background. An incident like this reminds us to be vigilant and double down on our processes,” he told The Mail.

“We don’t want to be alarmist and have a ‘reds under the beds’ McCarthyite position (but) sometimes we're not alert to obvious signs.”
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