Coming soon to the United States if leftists get their way.
A so-called “hate speech” bill making its way through the Irish government seems, by its name, to be designed to protect the Irish people from hate crimes. However, as author Michael Shellenberger describes it, the bill is nothing more than “a Trojan Horse designed to control the world’s Big Tech companies–X, Facebook, Google, and YouTube, to name a few.”
Several weeks ago, riots took place in the capital of Dublin. While left-wing publications attributed the riots to housing and cost of living issues and being facilitated by “right-wing extremists,” the fact of the matter is the reason is quite similar to what is going on currently in the United States–unmitigated entry of foreign migrants into the country.
The immediate cause of the riots was a knife attack at a school, where a Muslim from Algeria, a naturalized Irish citizen, stabbed a woman and three children. Just days before that, a Slovak Romani immigrant was sentenced for the murder of a young woman. She was walking home from work by a canal when she was attacked, stabbed seven times in the neck. The assailant was living on disability benefits in public housing. Sound familiar? Such an attack is an everyday occurrence in Chicago. In Dublin, it is not.
Last year, an Iraqi immigrant murdered two gay men in Ireland, decapitating one of them. Yes, the same group of people who are currently supporting Hamas savages in their war with Israel.
Simply put, the Irish people are not used to this. In Ireland, people never locked their doors, but now they do. After the stabbing of three children and an innocent woman, they simply had enough. Was rioting the solution? Obviously, it was not. But in this case, some people had enough. And they acted out.
In the tradition of American leftists, the Irish government saw the riots as an opportunity. “Never let a crisis go to waste,” right? They are now using the riots as an excuse to ram through “hate speech” legislation before Christmas.
The proposed law is sending shockwaves through conservative circles. Two attorneys with an Irish law firm noted that “One of the key features of the Bill is the provision for offences by corporate bodies.”
Under “Purpose of the Bill,” the act will introduce the following new offenses:
(i) incitement to violence or hatred on account of certain defined protected characteristics;
(ii) condonation, denial, or gross trivialism of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace, and:
(iii) preparing or possessing material likely to incite violence or hatred on account of protected characteristics.
“One of the key features of the Bill is the provision for offences by corporate bodies. Under section 13 of the Bill, a company/corporate body will be liable where an offence is committed for its benefit and the commission of the offence was ‘attributable to the failure, by a director, manager, secretary, or other officer of the body corporate, or a person purporting to act in that capacity, to exercise…the requisite degree of supervision or control’ of the person who committed the offence.”
That last part is shocking. In other words, companies that allow such speech on their platforms will face sanctions…otherwise known as censorship.
How will companies avoid being censored by the Big Brother Irish government? By agreeing to their content being regulated by the Irish government.
“The current iteration of the Bill provides a defence for the corporate body to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised due diligence to avoid the commission of the particular offence. Therefore, to establish and maintain such a defence, companies will need to have the appropriate processes and procedures in place.”
Shellenberger notes that it is likely Ireland isn’t acting alone. He said, "the demand for censorship is coming directly from the militaries, intelligence agencies, and their front groups in the US, UK, and around the world.”
Democrats (and even some Republicans) in the United States have called for censorship on social media platforms for so-called “hate speech,” “misinformation,” or “disinformation.” The problem is, who decides the definition of each?
Shellenberger noted that intelligence agencies in the so-called “Five Eyes” nations–Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and the UK–have been working together to impose censorship on ordinary citizens and politicians alike over the past several years. In fact, look at how a judge has imposed a gag order on former President Donald Trump in one of his cases. That is unprecedented and is nothing more than an attempt to silence Trump during a political campaign…otherwise known as election interference.
What is going on in Ireland should frighten not only Irish citizens but also anyone who enjoys freedom of speech worldwide. In a word, it is chilling.
455 days ago | Comment by: Robert
EVERYONE MUST SUPPORT THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, WITHOUT RESERVATION. This is why the U.S. Military and Law Enforcement will have our backs.
455 days ago | Comment by: Robert
452 days ago | Comment by: Laurence
Another example of bureaucratc doubletalk as a way to infringe upon people's rights. Just what is the exact definition of "hate speech"? It can be anything the bureaucrats want it to be, including truthful sytatements the government dictators don't want us to know about. Any politician who votes for such evil censorship should be voted out of office.