Science fiction vs. government technology: Michael Letts ponders whether latest hurricanes were more than meets the eye

with Michael Letts by is licensed under
Editor note: Law Enforcement Today accepts opinion pieces and editorials (like this one) from a variety of thought leaders leading coversations in various topics.  Giving them a voice doesn't mean we necessarily express an opinion one way or the other about their argument... but we sure are in interesting times and we believe in interesting conversations.  Many media outlets and "fact checkers" have made it clear that there is no evidence to suggest there was anything controlled or nefarious about the latest what do you believe? Conspiracy theory and science fiction... or something more sinister?  We'll let you decide.

Hurricanes aren’t new. They have ravaged parts of our country, most notably in the Caribbean and the southeast part of America.

Every hurricane season, from June to November, has Americans in this region of the country on edge as they never know when a hurricane will land in their backyard.

And when a hurricane does eventually form, they either bunker down and ride it out, or they are forced to evacuate and hope for the best. At worst, they must rebuild and restore their home or, at best, they suffer minor damage. Either way, life goes on and people try not to look back.

But there was something oddly different about these hurricanes. Something just doesn’t add up.

It’s no secret that governments throughout the world have been trying to find ways to manipulate and control weather patterns. For centuries, it was believed that nothing can be done about it. But in recent years, that mindset has changed, and scientific evidence is out there to prove it.

But that leaves many people, like Michael Letts, political analyst, LEO advocate and CEO/founder of InVestUSA, asking questions about Hurricanes Helene and Milton. He wants to know if the government played a role and to what degree.

And he provides some very interesting insight and analysis that will make you scratch your head in wonderment.

“What’s interesting about this is the category [of the hurricane] has decreased down from 5, then to a 4, then 3, and we were hoping that it continued to spiral downward. But it spawned some tornadoes of historic proportions. You look at the pictures of them and you almost have to do a second take to realize what you’re looking at,” Letts said in a recent podcast interview.

“These tornadoes were huge. Never has it been spun like this before as far as we can tell in recorded history,” he added.

The Pentagon has released information that they are working on controlling weather for military application – a program known as Weather as a Force Multiplier. That brings up a host of concerns.

“The government does have that capacity. We do have tracking that shows that they’re having military aircraft before the storm developed to its severity that it was in, in that area flying through. This is not observation aircraft, this is a different kind of aircraft,” Letts said. “So there's some concern about what are we generating. What kind of capacity do we have and if we have the capacity for destruction, do we not have the capacity to destroy these hurricanes and keep them from harming the mainland? And I think that’s a question a lot of Floridians have on their mind.”

The goal for the Pentagon was to have the Weather as a Force Multiplier completed by 2025. But there is speculation that they are already there and regular Americans are taking notice.

“I think now they [Pentagon] realize that people are becoming aware of what's going on and they [government officials] are happy to give briefings to Congress. I think their main thrust is to downplay just how far along they've gotten. But I think we as a people can see evidence,” Letts said.

He continued, “We've all been through hurricanes throughout our life. That's one thing to see nature take its course, it's quite another to see things that have never been seen by a man before - the intensity of the size of these tornadoes that are being spun off.”

There is also concern that the hurricanes were set to be worse, but that the military was concerned that people were on to them.

“I think they caught wind that we could begin to question whether the military was involved and so I think they've decreased and just do what you're attempting to do. It’s very concerning. I think we need transparency for briefings and quite frankly what could be positive and exciting about this is, as we just mentioned, if you have the capacity to create that, you don't have the capacity to upgrade it and destroy it, you would,” Letts said.

Members from the liberal media are painting this as just another baseless conspiracy theory. But how many conspiracy theories have proven true? Is this the next one?

Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today! 

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company 
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A dollar say Gates has a hand in this, also.


A dollar say Gates has a hand in this, also.



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