After unhinged ruling against Trump by NY judge, truckers vow to boycott transporting goods to New York City

NEW YORK CITY, NY - A couple of years back, American truckers backed their Canadian brethren who were protesting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s draconian COVID restrictions by participating in a convoy to the capital city of Ottawa.

They also helped the Canadian truckers by assisting in a blockade of shipping between the United States and our neighbor to the north. 

Now, the American truckers have had enough of what they perceive to be a corrupt justice system in the United States and are threatening to stop deliveries into New York City after far-left judge Arthur Engoron levied a $350 million judgment against former President Donald Trump and banned him from conducting business in New York for three years, according to The Gateway Pundit.

The judgment by Engoron violated legal precedent and has been seen as nothing less than a personal, partisan attack by Engoron and New York Attorney General Letitia James on Trump and his business empire. 

Now, truck drivers, considered among the most patriotic and hardest-working Americans in the country, are fighting back, vowing to shut the shipment of goods into the Big Apple. 

One trucker, “Chicago Ray,” posted a video on social media explaining why truck drivers have had enough and will stop delivering to New York City. 

“I’ve been on the radio talking to drivers for the last hour and fifteen minutes, and I’ve talked to at least ten drivers going the other way. I’m heading down from South Wisconsin. And they’re [other truckers] gonna start refusing loads to New York City, starting on Monday for NYC. I talked to about three guys that I work with who texted the boss and told him they’re not going to New York City. 

“I don’t know how far across the country this is or how many truckers are gonna start denying loads to go to New York City, but I’ll tell you what–you fuck around and find out! 

“Okay? We’re tired of mou motherfuckin’ leftists fucking around with Donald Trump.

“You know, motherfuckers are starting to get tired of this shit–and our bosses don’t care if we’re denying the loads into New York; we’ll go somewhere else. 

“I don’t wish nothin’ on nobody, but what I’m hearing–this is real!

“Ya know–we’ll see. Leave Trump the fuck alone with the bullshit! Alright? You know you ain’t got shit on Trump, so cut the bullshit! He’s gonna win this motherfucker on appeal, but it’s still–you know how bullshit! It’s election interference. 

“I hate to say it, but Truckers are for Trump. We’re like 95%--96% out here–all Trump. AIn’t know motherfuckers for Biden!

“I’ll let ya know what else I hear by the time Monday rolls around,’ he added, saying, “I’ll see ya down the road!” 

Another trucker who goes by the handle @tayorbilt who ran against former US Rep. Adam Kinsinger (R-Illinois), said the movement began with the truck driving community “who are tired of the warfare against Trump” and who are planning to stop making deliveries to New York City as a means of protesting against the government attacking Trump while ignoring them. 

According to the New York Post, several truckers endorsed the boycott in comments online

“Do it! Let us know how we can help! You’re NOT alone in this fight!” wrote one responder. 

“We stand with the truckers,” wrote another. 

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If they get enough truckers to make a difference, let's hope some media covers it. There was no media regarding the truckers doing the trip down by the border and eventually to California. Not even the right-winged TV or online media covered it. Very disappointing.


It's time for ALL AMERICANS to come to the AIDE of their BROTHERS ! SHUT DOWN THE LEFTS AGENDA !


Given that our politicians (R's) cannot seem to muster the will to impeach Biden even once so far, yet the D's impeached Trump over NOTHING and more than once, to say nothing of false lawfare cases, I suppose the only thing left to do is boycott. Busch seems to have (at least a little) gotten the message. NOTHING for NY, and don't ask us to bail them or Commiefornia - again (which has surplus cash until the "gubenor" put 'em back into the hole, again). The best thing done so far was to ship illegal aliens (the REAL legal term) to NYC, Chicago, and any (blue) city claiming to be a "sanctuary" so they could share the pain felt thousands of times more in border towns.


I would even be willing to donate money to them if they lose wages to undertake their statement. Americans need to make these tyrants abusing their offices and oaths feel the pain they are inflicting on others! Go Truckers!


These liberal judges don't understand that truckers feed the American people and when you mess with Trump well the people of NYC will have to suffer. Nothing to do with the people but these judges don't run this country!!!


FJB and F the corrupt Judge and AG of New York.


To old to drive but, I'll add my 2 cents worth, when have a chance will encourage boycott to NYC, will talk to anyone I know. Put the pressure to back off on Trump.


I doubt the Oil Companies have the intestinal fortitude, but they should not deliver any fuel to NYC for a week. Especially any NYC government facility.


Now only if we could get the post office, FedEx, and UPS on board with not delivering any government mail or politicians personal mail we might be able to get our president a wheelchair. I don't approve of Biden being president by I also don't approve standing by idle and watching the elderly be abused. If you're not going to have compassion at least have some patriotism and respect for our Commander in Chief. No matter who they are or what party they associate with.


Bravo truckers🙏🏻🤗🙏🏻👍🏻


You Go TRUCKERS God bless TRUMP 2024 from a senior citizen in PA thank you for your service & thank you for your service to all our law enforcement & first responders GOD BLESS YOU


You Go TRUCKERS God bless TRUMP 2024 from a senior citizen in PA thank you for your service & thank you for your service to all our law enforcement & first responders GOD BLESS YOU


You Go TRUCKERS God bless TRUMP 2024 from a senior citizen in PA thank you for your service & thank you for your service to all our law enforcement & first responders GOD BLESS YOU


We support all you hard working truckers.


I agree and support them 100%. LET'S GO TRUCKERS!!!

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